Tiedon louhinta ja asiakkuudenhallinta
Versio 1.1
ja kenttien sisältö
louhinta -tuotteita
Asiakkuudenhallinta (Customer Relationship Management, CRM) tarkoittaa nimensä mukaisesti asiakkuuden kokonaisvaltaista hallintaa. Termiä CRM on kuitenkin usein käytetty käsiteltäessä vain yrityksen myynti- ja asiakastukipalveluja ja niiden tietojen keräämistä. CRM ei ole pelkästään tiedon keräämistä vaan tämän tiedon perusteellista analysointia, esim. asiakassegmenttien tunnistamista klusterointitekniikoilla. CRM-järjestelmien tavoitteena on auttaa luomaan pitkiä asiakassuhteita ymmärtämällä asiakkaan tarpeet ja mieltymykset. Myynti- ja markkinointijärjestelmissä CRM perustuu asiakkaan ja hänen ostoskäyttäytymisensä tunnistukseen sekä saatujen tietojen analysointiin. Yritys esim. tietää, ketkä ovat sen kannattavimmat asiakkaat ja voi kohdentaa markkinoinnin sen mukaisesti. Asiakkaan antaman tiedon määrä kasvaa sähköisen asioinnin myötä, ja asiakastiedon hallinta ei onnistu enää perinteisin keinoin. Tarvitaan mm. tehokkaita tiedon analysointimenetelmiä ja näiden menetelmien tulosten hyödyntämistä CRM-järjestelmissä.
Tähän raporttiin on koottu tietoja tuotteista ja palveluista, joita voi käyttää tiedon louhintaan ja asiakkuudenhallintaan. Tiedot on koottu www-sivuilta ja yritysten lähettämistä esitteistä. Tiedot perustuvat siten saamiimme tietoihin ja dokumentteihin eikä omiin käyttökokemuksiimme, koska olemme käyttäneet vain osaa tuotteista. Tiedot kerättiin loka-marraskuussa vuonna 2000.
VTT ei vastaa yritysten ilmoittamissa tiedoissa tai muissa käytetyissä
tietolähteissä mahdollisesti olevista virheistä.
Tämän tuoteselvityksen tuotteet ja palvelut on tarkastelun helpottamiseksi luokiteltu tuotteen tai palvelun pääkäyttötarkoituksen mukaan seuraaviin luokkiin:
Luokittelu perustuu tuotteen tai palvelun toimittajan www-sivuillaan
ilmoittamiin tietoihin tai toimittajan esitetietoihin. Tuotetaulukoissa on
sekä englanninkielisiä että suomenkielisiä tietoja sen mukaan missä muodossa
tiedot on saatu.
Taulukoiden kenttien sisältö:
Name | Tuotteen nimi |
F | Jos kentässä on "F", niin tuote/palvelu on suomalainen tai tuotteelle/palvelulle on mainittu Suomessa edustaja. |
Company/author | Tuotteen/palvelun omistaja tai toimittaja. Kenttä sisältää myös toimittajan/tuotteen www-osoitteen. Kentässä on mainittu myös ulkomaisen tuotteen suomalainen edustaja(t), jos siitä on saatu tieto. |
Description | Lyhyt kuvaus tuotteen/palvelun ominaisuuksista ja käytettävyydestä. |
Price/Licence | Tuotteen hintatiedot ja mahdolliset toimitusrajoitukset. |
Operating System | Mille eri alustoille tuote on hankittavissa. |
Database Connectivity | Tuotteen tietokantayhteydet, esim. mitä tietokantaformaatteja tuote analysoi. |
Data Mining Characteristics | Mitä tekniikoita tuote käyttää tiedon louhintaan. |
Taulukko1. Tiedon louhinta
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Accrue Decision Series | Accrue Software,
http://www.accrue.com/ |
The Accrue Decision Series is an enterprise-level suite of integrated data mining engines that includes support for predictions, descriptions, and transformations. Accrue Decision Series is scalable to work with the largest databases and parallel systems. It is integrated to provide optimum power and synergy from multiple analytical algorithms. It is open, interoperable, and extensible for seamless integration with other software systems, so that derived intelligence can be directly fed into business processes. | Unix, OS/2 | Flat files, Informix, Oracle, DB2, Sybase, ODBC, (MS SQL Server) | neural networks, statistical methods, decision trees, rule induction | ||
Affinium Model
(Affinium Suite) |
Unica Corporation | Unica's data mining software Affinium Model integrates segmentation and profiling, valuation, response modelling, and cross selling features to solve specific marketing problems or to create marketing strategies that extend across the complete customer life cycle. | The Affinium Suite runs
in both Windows NT and UNIX environments
and is scalable to multiple servers to accommodate large call centers. |
Company's UDI architecture/application layer enables simultaneous access to databases/flat files and data sharing with customer contact systems. | predictive modelling | ||
AIMedia |
ISoft | ALICE d'ISoft is
interactive data mining tool meant for the mainstream business
AIMedia is a tool for personalisation on the web. From a subtle analysis of the customer's behaviour and of his profile, AIMedia proposes an adapted and personalised offer, through web banners and other communication channels. |
Windows 95/98/NT/2000, TSE, Metaframe. | Relational databases (via ODBC and OLE DB drivers) without limitation in database size. Also SPSS, SAS files, text files, desktop files (Excel, Access...). | decision trees | ||
AIRA | Hycones, Brazil
http://www.hycones.com.br/ |
AIRA is a rule discovery, data and knowledge visualisation tool. AIRA for Excel extracts rules from MS-Excel spreadsheets. | free | MS Excel spreadsheets | rule-based approach | ||
Analytica | Lumina Decision
Systems, Inc.
http://www.lumina.com/software/aboutanalytica.html |
Analytica is a
software package for creating, analysing and communicating quantitative
business models. Capacity: 14,900 variables, 15 dimensions per array, 32
000 elements per dimension, 32 000 sample size.
Analytica Decision Engine (ADE) can read, modify, and evaluate any Analytica model. |
$995, Enterprise Edition $1495 | Win 95/98/NT, Mac | Mac copy/paste, publish and subscribe to link values/attributes/tables, import/export using OLE (or ODBC with Enterprise Edition). | Influence diagram-based, visual environment for creating and analysing probabilistic models. | |
AptAnalysis | Applied Predictive Technologies | The aptAnalysis recommendation engine generates individually tailored offerings, both in real-time on a web site and in e-marketing programs. AptAnalysis generates real-time personalised product recommendations as customers are navigating the web site, and at checkout. It also allows to provide customers unprecedented personalisation in e-marketing campaigns. AptAnalysis contains a reporting solution that gives the ability to test new approaches to personalisation and to measure results. | neural networks, linear and logistic regressions, collaborative filtering, decision trees etc. They use their own proprietary algorithms to yield the most high-focused results possible. | ||||
ARMiner | University of
http://www.cs.umb.edu/~laur/ARMiner/ |
ARMiner is a client-server data mining application specialised in finding association rules. ARMiner has been written in Java. | GNU General Public License | association rules | |||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
AT Sigma Data Chopper | Advanced
http://www.atsigma.com/datamining/Default.asp |
AT Sigma Data Chopper will scan through data to find significant relationships between variables in the database and display the results in easy to read tables and graphs. | ODBC | causal relationships | |||
Bayesian Knowledge
Discoverer (BKD)
(see Bayesware Discoverer) |
Open University
http://kmi.open.ac.uk/projects/bkd/ |
BKD is a computer program able to learn Bayesian Belief Networks from (possibly incomplete) databases. BKD is based on a estimation method called Bound and Collapse and it has been developed within the Bayesian Knowledge Discovery project. | free | Win 95/98/NT | Bayesian networks | ||
(see Bayesian Knowledge Discoverer) |
http://bayesware.com/ |
Bayesware Discoverer is a commercial knowledge discovery program based on Bayesian networks. Bayesware Discoverer is a tool for automated data modelling, case prediction and model validation. | Win 95/98/NT/2000 | Bayesian networks | |||
Belief Network (BN) PowerPredictor | Jie Cheng,
University of Alberta http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~jcheng/bnpp.htm |
Belief Network PowerPredictor is a data mining program for data modeling, classification, and prediction. This system is an extension of the BN learning system (BN PowerConstructor) to BN based classifier learning and using. It can learn general Bayesian network classifiers and Bayes multi-net classifiers from training data and use these classifiers to classify new data. The system can also perform feature subset selection automatically. | Win 95/98/NT/2000 | Bayesian networks | |||
BrainMaker | California Scientific
http://calsci.com |
BrainMaker is a neural network development system designed by seven Caltech mathematicians and engineers. It uses the Back Propagation algorithm. With Standard limited to 512 neurons per layer and 32K connections per layer. With Pro, one can have up to 32K neurons per layer and there's no limit on connections except that the network has to fit in the computer's memory. | Dos/Win $195, Mac $240, BrainMaker Pro. for Dos/Win, $795 | Dos, Win, Mac | Reads CSI, MetaStock, SmartTrader (CompuTrack) files as well as Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, dBase, ASCII and binary. | neural networks | |
BRUTE | Segal, R. (IBM),
Etzioni, O., University of Washington
http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/etzioni/ |
BRUTE data mining software can analyse over 100,000 hypotheses per second, when run on a SPARC-10. In Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1996. | shareware | Unix | ASCII text files | neural networks | |
BusinessObjects 2000 |
Business Objects
http://www.businessobjects.com/products/ |
BusinessMiner is
a data mining product positioned for the mainstream business
BusinessObjects 2000 is a business intelligence (BI) platform and integrated toolset that lets users access, analyse, and share information both within and beyond the enterprise. It is designed to be easy to use and to be secure, scaleable, and extensible. |
decision trees | ||||
Parallel C4.5 (PC4.5) EC4.5 |
J. R. Quinlan
http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~quinlan/ http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~binli/pc4.5/ S. Ruggieri, Universita' di Pisa http://www-kdd.cnuce.cnr.it/software/ |
C4.5 is a
decision tree tool.
PC4.5 builds classification trees in parallel. EC4.5 improves on C4.5 by adopting the best among three strategies at each node construction. The first strategy uses a binary search of thresholds instead of the linear search of C4.5. The second strategy adopts a counting sort method instead of the quicksort of C4.5. The third strategy uses a main-memory version of the RainForest algorithm for constructing decision trees. This implementation computes the same decision trees as C4.5 with a performance gain of up to 5 times. |
C4.5: restricted distribution | PC4.5: SunOS,
Solaris, Linux
EC4.5: Linux |
decision trees | ||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Salford Systems | CART is a
decision tree tool that automatically sifts large, complex databases,
searching for and isolating significant patterns and relationships. CART
is the only decision-tree system based on the original CART code developed
by world-renowned Stanford University and University of California at
Berkeley statisticians; this code now includes enhancements that were
co-developed by Salford Systems and CART's originators.
MARS is a modeling tool that automates the building of accurate predictive models for continuous and binary dependent variables. |
Win 95/98/NT, Unix, Linux, IBM MVS and CMS. | CART’s data-translation engine supports data conversions for more than 80 file formats, including statistical-analysis packages, such as SAS, SPSS; databases, such as Oracle and Informix; and spreadsheets, such as MS Excel and Lotus. | decision trees | ||
CBA | University of
http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~dm2/ |
CBA mines association rules and builds accurate classifiers using a subset of association rules. "Integrating Classification and Association Rule Mining" in the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-98). | free | association rules | |||
Ceer | MSI (Metapath Software International Limited) | Ceer is a customer-centric scalable data-mart, designed specifically for the wireless industry. Ceer customer manager integrates customer usage data, billing information and demographic and lifestyle information to be used in customer relationship management. | |||||
Claudien | Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Belgium
Claudien is a clausal discovery engine. | available for academic purposes | Unix (SunOS, Solaris) | ASCII text files | relational rule induction | |
F | SPSS, Inc.
http://www.spss.com/clementine/ SPSS Finland Oy |
Clementine enables to explore the opportunities in the data backed by a set of modelling techniques to help to find the best result in the shortest amount of time. Clementine's range of applications: predict market share, detect possible fraud, locate new retail sites, assess financial risk, analyse demographic trends and patterns etc. | SQL | Clementine
multiple modelling techniques, e.g. linear regression, neural networks, cluster analysis, decision trees, visualisation, rule induction, association modelling etc. | ||
ClustanGraphics | Clustan Ltd.
http://www.clustan.com/ |
ClustanGraphics is a cluster analysis software application, with a standard graphical user interface. | $250 | Win 95/98/NT/2000, Sun Solaris | Reads a data matrix of any size. | cluster analysis | |
CN2 | Clark,P.,and Boswell,
University of Texas, Austin http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/pclark/software.html#cn2
CN2 algorithm
inductively learns a set of propositional if...then... rules from a set of
training examples. To do this, it performs a general-to-specific beam
search through rule-space for the "best" rule, removes training examples
covered by that rule, then repeats until no more "good" rules can be
found. The algorithm was later improved to replace this evaluation
function with the Laplace estimate (EWSL-91 paper, below), and also to
induce unordered rule sets as well as ordered rule lists ("decision
In Y. Kodratoff, editor, Machine Learning - EWSL-91. |
Unix | ASCII text files | rule induction | ||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Cognos Scenario
Cognos 4Thought Cognos Visualizer |
F | Cognos
http://www.cognos.com/scenario/ Cognos Oy, Helsinki |
The Cognos EBI data
mining service consists of: segmentation and classification with Cognos
Scenario, predictive modeling with Cognos 4Thought, and
visualisation with Cognos Visualizer.
Cognos Scenario is designed to spot patterns and exceptions in data and allows users to visualise the information being uncovered in graphs or classification trees. This guided business intelligence mining tool automates the discovery, ranking and presentation of critical factors. Cognos 4Thought is a predictive modeling tool offering the following: Measurement—measure one element against another, and make decisions on where and how to improve. What-if analysis—4Thought gives measures as to the impact of changes to the factors driving the business. Forecasting—analyse historical information over time, then extend this timeline into the future to forecast returns, inventory requirements, growth, and more. Cognos Visualizer delivers interactive, multi-metric data visualistion that lets managers to gain the insight they need to scorecard their business activities and make better decisions every day. |
Win 95/98/NT | Scenario supports data
from ASCII text files, Excel, and Lotus 1-2-3, dBase tables, and via
Impromptu reports:
InterBase, Open Ingres, Centura SQLBase, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, Adaptive Server, MDI DB2 Gateway, OmniSQL Server, Sybase DirectConnect, ODBC. |
segmentation and classification, predictive modelling, visualisation | |
Data Engine | Management
Technologien GmbH (MIT), Germany |
Data Engine is a
software for intelligent data analysis and data mining by using neural
networks, fuzzy logic and statistical methods. Data Engine can be extended
by the user via user-defined function blocks.
DataEngine ADL is a library for the integration of models from the fields of fuzzy technology and neural networks, created using DataEngine, into own applications. |
DataEngine Workstation
License Euro 5.000.-
DataEngine ADL for Win 95/98/NT Euro 800.- |
Win 95/98/NT | Via OLE DB/ODBC, MS Excel files, ASCII text files | DataEngine is a software tool for data analysis combining fuzzy rules, fuzzy clustering, neural networks and fuzzy neural systems with mathematics, statistics and signal processing. | |
Data Mining Suite | Information Discovery, Inc. | The Data Mining Suite works directly on large SQL repositories with no need for sampling or extract files. It accesses large volumes of multi-table relational data on the server, incrementally discovers powerful patterns and delivers automatically generated English text and graphs as explainable documents on the intranet. The Data Mining Suite consists of the modules: Rule-based Influence Discovery, Dimensional Affinity Discovery, Trend Discovery Module, Incremental Pattern Discovery, Forensic Discovery, and The Predictive Modeler. | The Data Mining Suite has been specifically tuned to work on SQL databases with a large number of rows. It can deal with data sets of 50 to 100 million records on parallel machines. | rule-based influence discovery system | |||
Databeacon | InterNetivity Inc,
http://www.databeacon.com/ |
Databeacon.com allows to add interactive analysis and reporting capabilities to any Web site containing HTML data tables. | Win 95/NT, Linux, Unix | ASCII text files, URLs, ODBC and others | |||
DataMite | Logic Programming
Associates (LPA), England
http://www.lpa.co.uk/ |
DataMite is a tool for investigating data from ODBC-compliant relational databases through the synthesis of clusters and rule induction with queries direct to the database engine. | Win 95/NT | ODBC | rule induction, clustering | ||
Datasift | Universita' di Pisa,
http://www.di.unipi.it/Evaluation/turini.html |
A market basket analysis project in collaboration with CNUCE-CNR, Pisa, and COOP Toscana Lazio, a division of one of the major Italian supermarket companies. The project has delivered a prototype of an intelligent system for market basket analysis, which integrates the deductive capabilities of a logic-based database language, LDL++, developed at UCLA, with the inductive capabilities of diverse data mining algorithms and tools, notably association rules. An application to supermarket sales data has been developed, which supports business rules for the market analysts, such as measures of the effectiveness of a promotional campaign on purchasing behaviour. | association rules | ||||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
DB2 Intelligent Miner | F | IBM
http://www-4.ibm.com/software/data/db2/ Suomen IBM |
IBM DB2 Intelligent
Miner for Data enables users to mine structured data stored in
conventional databases or flat files. Capabilities include support for the
following methods:
Servers: AIX, OS/390,
OS/400, Solaris, Win NT
Clients: AIX, OS/2, Win 95/NT |
DB2, flat files, or any of a variety of data sources accessible by DataJoiner, such as Oracle, Terradata. A high-speed extract is provided to import into DB2 Universal Database data from Oracle, Sybase, or DB2 for OS/390 databases. Parallel DB2 processing is supported and can be leveraged along with the deployment of Intelligent Miner's parallel data mining capabilities for large-scale mining runs. | Multiple techniques are often used in combination to address a specific business problem, e.g. neural networks, decision trees. | |
DBMiner | DBMiner Technology
c/o Intelligent Database Systems Research Laboratory, Simon Fraser University, Canada http://db.cs.sfu.ca/DBMiner/ |
DBMiner is a data
mining tool to discover knowledge from large databases. DBMiner combines
database and machine learning techniques to extract and generate different
types of rules from the primitive data: characteristic rules, discriminant
rules, association rules, etc.
DBMiner 2.0 (Enterprise) runs on top of MS SQL Server 7.0 Plato data warehouse tool. This provides a integration of the existing relational databases and data warehouse/data mart systems with the mining capabilities of DBMiner. |
$999 | Win 95/98/NT, Unix | ODBC | statistical methods, rule induction, multiple mining functions and a data mining query language: DMQL | |
dbProphet | Trajecta, Inc.
http://www.trajecta.com |
dbProphet is a analysis and data mining software package which utilises adaptive learning technologies, such as neural networks, to create sophisticated predictive models of complex market forces and customer behaviour. | Win NT, Unix | neural networks | |||
DD Series | Data Distilleries B.V., Netherlands | DD Series is a
analytical CRM solution that realises an enterprise-wide personalised
customer experience and is a solution for multi touchpoint
personalisation. DD Series consists of four components:
DD/Marketer. Line-of-business user tool for defining sales and marketing activities DD/Expert. Tool for configuring DD/Marketer DD/Dsire. DD Series' online scoring component DD/Server. The central Customer Behaviour Modelling (CBM) discovery server, where analyses take place and where customer models are stored. |
Unix, Mac, Win 3.x/95/98/NT, OS/2 | Dbase Paradox, Foxpro, Oracle, Sybase, ODBC | neural networks, statistical methods, decision trees, rule induction, Bayesian network | ||
DeltaMiner | Bissantz & Company
Germany http://www.bissantz.de |
DeltaMiner integrates new search techniques and business intelligence methodologies into an OLAP front-end that embraces the concept of "Active Information Management." | Win 95/98/NT | Open Database-connectivity. With Version 3.7 it’s possible to use DeltaMiner as an analysis-frontend for MIS ALEA, TM/1, MS OLAP Services and Oracle Express. | neural networks, statistical methods | ||
DI-Diver | Dimensional
http://www.dimins.com/ |
DI-Diver brings together corporate data and transforms it into a multidimensional model that non-technical managers can navigate following the natural thought processes of the human mind. | Unix, Mac, Win 3.x/95/98/NT | ODBC, can read any flat, tab or comma delimited, ASCII file. | statistical methods | ||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
DX Solution Series | Knowledge Industries,
http://www.kic.com |
The DX Solution Series
product line consists of three major software components:
DXpress - Windows based tool for building and compiling Bayesian networks. WIN-DX - Windows user interface program for viewing the results of Bayesian network computations. Its primary purpose is to verify and validate belief networks as they are being developed. API-DX - Bayesian network inference engine callable by user developed software. |
Win 95/98/NT | Bayesian networks | |||
EDS Digital Services | F | Electronic Data Systems
Corporation (EDS)
EDS Finland Oy http://www.eds.fi |
Customer Intelligence Services - Provides services to collect, manage, augment, analyse and apply customer data in support of marketing and sales efforts. They also include resource management to support these efforts. | customer profiling and segmentation techniques, custom predictive models, desktop data mining, and reporting capabilities | |||
Ergo | Noetic Systems
http://www.noeticsystems.com/ergo.shtml |
Ergo is a Bayesian Network editor and solver. | Win, Mac | Bayesia networks | |||
GainSmarts | Urban Science | GainSmarts is a data
mining system in support of database marketing decisions, encompassing the
entire range of the knowledge discovery and data mining,
Written in SAS and C, GainSmarts requires SAS (BASE & STAT- version 6.12). Currently, supported platforms include: MS Win NT, Unix: Compaq True64 Unix, Sun Solaris, HP-UX | ODBC | The data-mining engine contains a profiling module to segment an audience employing automatic decision trees, and predictive modelling involving discrete and continuous regression models and AI-based models to predict customers' choice. | ||
Genio Miner | Hummingbird Ltd.,
Genio Miner
integrates data mining with data acquisition.
Genio Miner components: Genio Miner Workbench. A graphical workbench environment for creating and managing data mining projects. Genio Designer. A multi-user graphical environment for designing data transformation and exhange processes. Genio Engine. A scalable,multi-threaded transformation engine. Genio Scheduler. A program that deploys and controls processes scheduled on a time and event basis. Genio Repository. An object-oriented, open repository residing on any RDBMS. |
Win NT | IBM DB2, MS SQL Server,
Oracle, Sybase, flat files (delimited
or fixed), ODBC |
Algorithms: CHAID, C4.5, CART, fuzzy rule-based training, Learning Vector Quantisation, Naive Bayesian /Adaptive Boost, Symbolic Nearest Mean, Back-Propagation, Multi-Layer Perception Neural Network, Probabilistic Neural Network, Radial Basis Function Neural Network, HCL/ MinerTREE Decision Tree, Gauss Mixture Clustering, K-means Clustering, Kohonen SOM | ||
GrossGraphs | Belmont Research
http://belmont.com/ |
CrossGraphs is visualisation and reporting software that presents data as a series of graphs to help highlight trends, identify anomalies, and show relationships among many different variables. | $795 (Win)-$1,595 | Win 95/95/NT,
HP-UX, Solaris |
dBase, Oracle, ASCII text data files, SAS, ODBC-compliant sources such as Excel, Access, Sybase, etc | statistical methods | |
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Hugin | Hugin Expert A/S,
http://www.hugin.dk/products.html |
Hugin is a suite of Bayesian Network reasoning tools. | $2640 - | Bayesian networks | |||
Visual Numerics,
http://www.vni.com |
combines data visualisation and numerical analysis tools with database
connections, giving users an integrated solution that analyses and makes
graphical sense of large volumes of complex corporate data.
JWAWE is based multitiered architecture that enables to create applications. Included is a set of analysis and visualisation routines.. |
iEnterprise | Applix, Inc. | Internet-based iEnterprise offers organisations the ability to manage and analyse customer data, as well as provide a collaborative solution that extends access of this data to customers, employees and partners. With Applix iEnterprise, companies can run their entire enterprise from a central site, enabling users around the globe to access corporate information using an Internet browser. | Win 95/NT, mobile client platforms | MS SQL Server , Oracle, Informix (Special Order Only), Sybase (Special Order Only), ODBC | |||
IND | NASA Ames Research
A common approach to
supervised classification and prediction in artificial intelligence and
statistical pattern recognition is the use of decision trees. A tree is
"grown" from data using a recursive partitioning algorithm to create a
tree which (hopefully) has good prediction of classes on new
IND consist of four basic kinds of routines; data manipulation routines, tree generation routines, tree testing routines, and tree display routines. The data manipulation routines are used to partition a single large data set into smaller training and test sets. The generation routines are used to build classifiers. The test routines are used to evaluate classifiers and to classify data using a classifier. And the display routines are used to display classifiers in various formats. |
export restrictions | Unix | Decision trees. Standard algorithms are Breiman, Friedman, Olshen, and Stone; and Id3 and its successor C4 (by Quinlan). As well as reimplementing parts of these algorithms and offering experimental control suites, IND also introduces Bayesian and MML methods and search in growing trees. These produce more accurate class probability estimates that are important in applications like diagnosis. | ||
JAM | Columbia
http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~sal/JAM/PROJECT/ |
Java Agents for Meta Learning (applications to fraud and intrusion detection in financial information systems). | free | ||||
Kaidara Commerce
Kaidara Advisor |
http://www.kaidara.com/ |
Both product lines are built on top of Kaidara's Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) and data mining engines. | Win, Unix, Linux | ||||
Kepler | GMD, Germany
http://ais.gmd.de/KD/kepler.html |
The central goal in developing Kepler was to create an integrated and flexible data mining system that that can solve a multitude of data mining tasks. | Unix, Win 95/98 | ASCII text files | Decision trees, neural backpropagation networks, discovery of statistically interesting subgroups, nonlinear regression, nearest neighbour methods and multirelational algorithms are all available as part of the current set of plug-ins. | ||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
KINOsuite-PR | Toshiba
http://www2.toshiba.co.jp/datamining/index.htm |
KINOsuite-PR is
a tool which extracts rules from trained neural networks. These rules can
be used for new product planning and trend analysis etc.
KINOsuite-PR can generate predictions using a neural network and provides rules extracted from the network and can be applied to continuous values. Decision trees can be applied after discretization of continuous classes, but accuracy is sacrificed in the discretization process. |
neural networks, decision trees | ||||
Knowledge Discovery
Business Intelligence Engine |
Net Perceptions,
http://www.kd1.com |
Knowledge Discovery Engine (& Business Intelligence Engine) provide a understanding of customers, products and promotions. | Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, NCR | Oracle, Informix, DB2, Teradata | |||
KnowledgeMiner | http://www.knowledgeminer.net/ | KnowledgeMiner is an artificial intelligence tool designed to extract hidden knowledge from data. It was built on the cybernetic principles of self-organisation: Learning a completely unknown relationship between output and input of any given system in a way from a very simple organisation to an optimally complex one. | $120-$780 | Mac | KnowledgeMiner uses self-organising neural networks to discover problem structure. Inductive learning algorithms: GMDH Neural Networks, analog complexing, Fuzzy rule induction. | ||
KnowledgeSTUDIO |
ANGOSS Software Corporation | KnowledgeSEEKER is a data mining decision
tree tool.
KnowledgeSTUDIO is a data mining application, featuring multiple data mining models in a visual, easy-to-use interface. KnowledgeAccess is a data mining plug-in for Microsoft Access. KnowledgeExcelerator is a data mining plug-in for Microsoft Excel |
KnowledgeSEEKER runs on
Unix (AIX, HP-UX, IRIX, Digital Alpha, Sinux, Solaris, SCO and Linux), Win
3.1/95/98/NT. KnowledgeSTUDIO client/stand-alone workstation runs on Win
95/98/NT. The data mining server component, KnowledgeSERVER, runs on Win
NT Server and Win NT workstation, and is planned for Solaris. |
Access, dBase II, III and IV, ODBC, SAS, SPSS | Data mining algorithms supported include CHAID, XAID, K-Means, and Entropy decision tree algorithms, as well as multi-layered perception, radial basis formation and probabilistic neural networks, and linear and logistic regression. | ||
KnowledgeSync 2000 | Vineyardsoft | KnowledgeSync 2000 is a notification software application that supercharges CRM, ERP, and related solutions with the alert messaging technology. KnowledgeSync sends data from database source via a device or method, including PDA, pager, e-mail, fax, cellular phone, and the web by alerting users to critical conditions in application data and sending them the information they need to make crucial business decisions. | ODBC | Alerts are based on trend analysis and conditions across multiple business applications. | |||
LMDT (Linear Machine Decision Trees) | Purdue
LMDT builds linear machine decision trees (based on Brodley and Utgoff papers). | Unix | decision trees | |||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
ModelQuest |
MarketMiner Inc. | MarketMiner
automatically selects the best mining technique using statistical
networks, logistic and linear regression, K nearest neighbours, and
decision trees (C4.5).
ModelQuest is a general data mining tool. On-Line solution: ListAnalyst.com Desktop solutions: MarketMiner ListAnalyst, MarketMiner Analyst, MarketMiner Expert |
MarketMiner analyst
pricing starts at $29,000.
ModelQuest prices starts at $29,000. ListAnalyst.com:$499 -$999 per analysis, ListAnalyst annual license $4,950. |
Win 95/98/NT | neural networks, decision trees, statistical methods, and other methods | ||
I. Savnik, P.A. Flach,
Universität Freiburg
MDEP is a program for the discovery of multivalued dependencies from relations (two algorithms are defined). The discovered dependencies may be utilised for restructuring the database but also for query optimisation. The discovery of multivalued dependencies (as well as functional dependencies) can assist in the process of discovery of other types of interesting patterns from relational databases by revealing the internal structure of datasets. FDEP induces functional dependencies from a given input relation (three algorithms). | association rules | ||||
MLC++ |
F | Silicon Graphics,
http://www.sgi.com/software/mineset/ http://www.sgi.com/Technology/mlc/ WM-data Faci Oy |
MineSet is a
scalable client/server tool set for extracting information from data
warehouses, mining the data with sophisticated analytical algorithms, and
revealing newly discovered patterns and connections through intuitive,
interactive, visual displays.
SGI MLC++ is used in SGI's MineSet product as the main engine for the server data mining. MLC++ provides general machine learning algorithms that can be used by end users, analysts, professionals, and researchers. The main objective is to provide users with a variety of tools that can help mine data, accelerate development of new mining algorithms, increase software reliability, provide comparison tools, and display information visually. MLC++ (V2.0 and higher) includes improvements to MLC++. These improvements are research domain only and are available in both source and object code formats. MLC++ is an attempt to extract commonalities of machine learning algorithms and decompose them for a unified view that is simple, coherent, and extensible. |
MLC++ (up to version 1.3.X) was developed at Stanford University and was public domain; that version is still distributed as such by SGI. | MineSet client and server modules are supported on all SGI platforms running IRIX 6.2 or above. MineSet functionality can also be made available on PCs running Hummingbird Communication's Exceed 3D and other UNIX X servers supporting the industry-standard OpenGL. | Informix, Oracle, Sybase | MineSet supports generation and analysis of association rules and classification models, used for prediction, scoring, segmentation, and profiling. Combining these models with animated, interactive visualisation. MineSet supports three classification models: decision trees, option trees, and evidence (Simple-Bayes) classifiers. |
MSBN | F | Microsoft
Members of the Decision Theory & Adaptive Systems Group within Microsoft Research have created a Windows application called MSBN32.EXE which allows the creation, assessment and evaluation of Bayesian belief networks. The MSBN32 executable uses a version of the proposed Bayes Net Interchange Format, a text file representation of belief networks. | The MSBN tool ensemble is available free of charge for non-commercial users in research organisations and educational institutions. | Win | Bayesian belief networks | |
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
MVSP | Kovach Computing
Services, Wales
http://www.kovcomp.com/mvsp/ |
MVSP is a program that performs a number of multivariate numerical analyses useful in many scientific fields. It calculates three basic types of analysis ordinations: principal components, principal coordinates, and correspondence/ detrended correspondence analyses. | $140 | Dos, Win 3.x/95/98/NT/2000 | Data import and export;
Lotus 1-2-3 and Symphony,
Excel, Quattro, xBase, Paradox, SIMSTAT, plain text and Cornell Ecology Programs. |
statistical methods | |
Netica | Norsys Software Corp.,
http://www.norsys.com/netica.html |
Netica is a program for working with belief networks and influence diagrams. The Netica API is a library of C-callable functions for working with (Bayesian) belief networks and influence diagrams. It contains functions to build, modify, and learn networks, as well as a inference engine. | $1185 | Win 95/NT, Mac and Unix (under development) | belief (Bayesian) networks | ||
Neural Network Toolbox | MathWorks, Inc.
http://www.mathworks.com/products/neuralnet/ |
Neural Network Toolbox is an environment for neural network research, design, and simulation within MATLAB. | Win 95/98/NT, Unix, Linux, Mac | neural networks | |||
Neural networks tools | Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory (PNNL)
Commercial Software tools for implementing Neural Networks and Connectionism. | neural networks | ||||
Neural networks tools | Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory (PNNL)
Freeware and Shareware tools for implementing Neural Networks and Connectionism. | neural networks | ||||
NeuralWare products | NeuralWare
http://www.neuralware.com/ |
NeuralWare offers technology for the development and deployment of neural networks and advanced empirical models. | $1995 - $14995 | Dos, Win, Sun, RS6000, SGI | neural networks, fuzzy logic, statistics and genetic algorithms | ||
NeuroShell Trader | Ward Systems Group, Inc. | NeuroShell Trader is trading software and can learn to solve prediction, classification and optimisation problems common to business needs. | $795 - $2295 | Reads
2000i, 4.0, and SuperCharts files, as well as MetaStock, AIQ, CSI, and ASCII data files |
Over 700 technical indicators, neural network predictions, charting interface, trading strategies (rules), genetic algorithm optimisation (NeuroShell Trader Professional). | ||
Trading Solutions |
http://www.nd.com/products/nsv3.htm |
is NeuroDimension's base product. It combines a modular, icon-based
network design interface with an implementation of advanced learning
procedures, such as recurrent backpropagation and backpropagation through
TradingSolutions is a software product that helps to make better trading decisions by combining traditional technical analysis with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies. Use any combination of financial indicators in conjunction with advanced neural networks and genetic algorithms to create trading models. Other products: The Custom Solution Wizard, NeuroSolutions for Excel, Genetic Server and Genetic Library. |
Trading Solutions
$995 |
Win 95/98/NT/2000 | neural networks | ||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Nuggets | Data Mining
Technologies, Inc.
http://www.data-mine.com/ |
Nuggets uses proprietary search algorithms to develop English "if - then" rules. These algorithms use genetic methods and learning techniques to "intelligently" search for valid hypotheses that become rules. Nuggets also provides a suite of tools to use the rules for prediction of new data, understanding, classifying and segmenting data. The user can also query the rules or the data to perform special studies. Handles up to 235 variables with 245 values for each. e-Nuggets is the true rules induction technology to be used in real-time personalisation. | Win 98/NT | rule induction with validation, prediction, Siftagents rule generation, and rule query modules | |||
OC1 (Oblique Classifier 1) | The Johns Hopkins
http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~salzberg/announce-oc1.html |
OC1 is a decision tree induction system designed for applications where the instances have numeric (continuous) feature values. OC1 builds decision trees that contain linear combinations of one or more attributes at each internal node; these trees then partition the space of examples with both oblique and axis-parallel hyperplanes. OC1 has been used for classification of data representing diverse problem domains, including astronomy, DNA sequence analysis, and others. | Commercial users are required to obtain a license. | OC1 has been used on Suns, SGIs and DECs in Unix environments and on PCs under Linux and DOS environments. | decision trees | ||
ODBCMINE | Intelligent Systems
http://members.nbci.com/gvaughan/odbcmine.htm |
ODBCMINE generates decision rules from ODBC databases using the C4.5 classification model algorithm. It analyses the data in any ODBC data source, and writes decision rules in ASCII to the standard output device. | shareware | Win | ODBC | decision trees | |
OMEGA | KiQ Ltd. | KiQ offers the OMEGA predictive data mining system and related services for use in data mining, targeting, credit and insurance risk management and business strategy management. | |||||
Oracle Data Mining Suite (before Darwin) | F | Oracle
Oracle Finland Oy |
Oracle Data Mining
Suite enhances Oracle's E-Business Suite customer relationship
management software and Oracle Business Intelligence Tools by generating
new customer insights.
With Oracle Customer Intelligence, companies will be able to better manage their ongoing relationships with customers and retain customers by analysing customer acquisition, retention, profitability, satisfaction, loyalty, and lifecycle to understand the impact of different factors on customer retention. Customer Intelligence is a component of Oracle Service Online. |
http://oraclestore.oracle.com/ | AIX-based systems, Compaq Tru64 Unix, HP 9000 Series HP-UX, MS Win NT, Sun SPARC Solaris | Oracle Data Mining Suite imposes no limit on the amount of data to be mined. Oracle gateways provide access to data stored in other databases. | Oracle Data Mining Suite features parallel implementations of classification and regression trees, neural networks, k-nearest neighbours (memory-based reasoning), regression, and clustering algorithms. |
Orchestrate | Torrent Systems,
http://www.torrent.com/ |
Orchestrate provides a development environment and software infrastructure that enables enterprises to build and deploy CRM, eCRM, Web mining, data mining, demand forecasting, and other large-scale analytical applications that can process and analyse massive amounts of online and offline data. | UNIX flat files, such
as Web server logs;
RDBMS tables (IBM DB2 UDB, Oracle, Informix, and NCR Teradata); COBOL programs; SAS steps; third-party applications like SAS, i.d.Centric's SyncSort etc. |
parallel training and application of models, neural networks, decision trees, hybrid trees, clustering, statistics | |||
Partek | Partek
http://www.partek.com/ |
Partek software is designed to find patterns in large multivariate data. | Silicon Graphics, Sun, HP workstations, Linux PC based workstations, Win 98/NT/2000 | Oracle/ODBC databases, Web (URL's), comma separated (CSV) files, flat files | Visual data mining combined with statistical, neural network, and other pattern recognition techniques. | ||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
PATTERN | Magnify, Inc.
http://www.magnify.com/ |
Magnify is a provider of data mining services with their own tool for data mining very large data sets. | Unix | ||||
Pilot Decision Support Suite (PDSS) | Pilot Software,
http://www.pilotsw.com/solutions/index.htm |
Pilot DSSis a platform for defining and deploying business intelligence applications for corporate networks and the Internet. | |||||
PolyAnalyst | Megaputer Intelligence,
http://www.megaputer.com |
PolyAnalystis a broad selection of exploration engines that allows the user to predict values of continuous variables, explicitly model complex phenomena, determine the most influential independent variables, solve classification and clustering tasks, and process transactional data. See WebAnalyst. | Win 95/98/NT | Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase, MS SQL Server, or any other ODBC-compliant database. | find laws (SKAT),
PolyNet Predictor (neural net and GMDH hybrid),
clusters, decision trees, find dependencies, classify (Fuzzy logic), discriminate, memory based reasoning, market basket analysis, stepwise linear regression, summary statistics | ||
Previa Studio
Previa Classpad |
Elseware S.A.,
France http://www.elseware.fr/en/download/ |
Previa Studiois
a specialised interactive environment for the definition of forecasting
Previa Classpad provides an interactive environment for the definition of classification models. |
An interactive environment for classification using neural networks, decision trees, and Bayesian networks. | ||||
ProForma | Neural Innovation Ltd.,
http://www.neural.co.uk/ |
ProFormais a predictive model building software suite. It builds solutions based on the relationships between different variables describing individual customers. Its solutions are based on the principle that a combination of a set of variables will influence a person's behaviour. ProForma discovers those relationships and uses them to build a predictive system. The model is exported from ProForma ready to be embedded in any operational system. | neural networks | ||||
Quadstone System
Decisionhouse |
Quad Stone, Scotland | Quadstone
Systemis a state-of-the-art software. It collects customer data from
all channels and data sources and translates that data into information
that can be used to take immediate action.
Decisionhouse is a software tool that helps marketers understand and predict customers’ behaviour to drive more profitable and valuable customer relationships. It is a packaged solution for analysing and predicting behaviour. Decisionhouse provides customer intelligence through fast counts, predictive models, propensity scores, and profitability values that can be deployed immediately to enhance the value and return from CRM activities. |
Unix servers, Unix and Win 95/98/NT clients | Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, NCR Teradata, ASCII flat file format | visualisation, selection, Drill-Down, decision trees, discriminant analysis, logistic and regression, Gini and Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis | ||
Q-YIELD | Quadrillion
http://www.quadrillion.com/ |
Q-YIELDfinds explanations for yield variation. | Win 9x/NT | ODBC | statistical methods, rule induction | ||
ROC Convex Hull | Tom Fawcett, Foster
A robust framework for
evaluating learned classifiers, based on ROC analysis, which enables to
analyse and visualise classification performance separately from
assumptions about class distributions and error costs. The method computes
the ROC convex hull and allows to:
a Perl program, GNU General Public License | ROC analysis | |||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Rosetta | The Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, NTNU http://www.idi.ntnu.no/grupper/KS-grp/ |
Rosettais a
toolkit for logical data analysis based on discernibility considerations.
Rosetta is designed to support the overall data mining and knowledge
discovery process; from initial browsing and preprocessing of the data,
via computation of minimal attribute sets and generation of if-then rules
or descriptive patterns, to validation and analysis of the induced rules
or patterns. Rosetta is intended as a general purpose tool for
discernibility-based modelling, and is not geared specifically towards any
particular application domain.
"Aleksander Øhrn and Jan Komorowski. Rosetta - a rough set toolkit for analysis of data." In Proceedings of the third International Conference on Information Sciences, 1997. |
Win NT/98/95/2000 | ODBC | Genetic algorithms, rough sets, statistical methods, rule induction. | ||
Rough Enough | Troll Data
Norway http://www.trolldata.no/torvill/ |
The Rough Enough system supports the process of data mining within the theoretical framework of rough sets. At 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, 1997. The present version of Rough Enough is developed under the 4GL DBMS Paradox for Windows. | Dos, Win 3.x/9x/NT | ASCII text files, Paradox files | rough sets, rule induction | ||
RuleQuest data mining
See5/C5.0 Cubist GritBot Magnum Opus |
RuleQuest Research Pty Ltd, Australia | See5 /C5.0. This
system constructs classifiers in the form of decision trees and rule sets.
See5/C5.0 has been designed to operate on large databases and incorporates
innovations such as boosting.
Cubist produces rule-based models for numerical prediction. Each rule specifies the conditions under which an associated multivariate linear sub-model should be used. Cubist models often yield more accurate predictions than simple linear models without giving up the advantages of interpretability. GritBot is a data cleansing tool that helps you to audit and maintain data quality. Working from the raw data alone, GritBot automatically explores partitions of the data that share common properties and reports surprising values in each partition. GritBot uncovers anomalies that might compromise the effectiveness of your data mining tools. Magnum Opus finds association rules from data. |
$375-750 | Win 95/98/NT, Linux, Solaris, Irix | decision trees, rule induction | ||
ClickIt |
http://www.neotide.fi/ |
SAI is a
database system for infectious diseases surveillance at the hospital. It
is a Windows- based client/server system, using a centralised database for
collection of data on every infection and all use of antibiotics at the
ClickIT is a general purpose tool for data mining through the web server. It lets to surf through the organisation's old and new databases, selecting and aggregating data on the fly as the user clicks through tables and data. |
Windows-based Client/Server system | ODBC, web server supporting ISAPI |
SAS Data Mining
Enterprise Miner |
F | SAS Institute,
http://www.sas.com/products/miner/ SAS Institute Oy |
Minerhelps to reveal trends, explain known outcomes, predict future
outcomes and identify factors that can secure a desired
effect -- all from collected demographic data and customer buying patterns. Enterprise Miner's "Sample, Explore, Modify, Model, Assess" (SEMMA) approach provides users with a logical, organised framework for conducting data mining. Beginning with a statistically representative sample of the data, this methodology makes it easy to apply exploratory statistical and visualisation techniques, select and transform the most significant predictive variables, model the variables to predict outcomes, and confirm a model's accuracy. By assessing the results gained from each stage of the process, the user can determine how to model new questions raised by the previous results, and thus return to the exploration phase for additional refinement of the data. |
Enterprise Miner gives a range of integrated models and algorithms -- including decision trees, neural networks and regression | |||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
SIPINA for Windows (SIPINA_W©) | University of Lyon,
Laboratoire E.R.I.C.
http://eric.univ-lyon2.fr/~ricco/sipina.html |
SIPINA_W©is a software which can extract knowledge from data. SIPINA_W© learns from quantitative and qualitative data. It produces a decision graph which is a generalisation of decision trees. Decision graphs and trees can be transformed into productions rules and stored in a Knowlege Base System (KBS). SIPINA_W© analyses the rules and detects several anomalies such as redundancy, contradictions,... and cancels them. SIPINA_W© can merge many KBS and optimise the final KBS. The validation of the learning is performed via an inference engine. | shareware | Win 9x/NT | Accepted file formats
are: Lotus 1-2-3 (WKS), Excel spreadsheet (XLS, v.4 and v.5), text
The theoretical capacities of the software
are: |
Several methods are
CART, Elisee, the Chi-2 criterion, ID3, C4.5, ChAid, SIPINA, MDL, WDTaiqm | |
WebSemba! Fact-it! |
Asoc AG, Germany | sphinxVisionsupports the search for correlations between
the factors being analysed, having been developed for the express purpose
of combining the different skills of the human user and the computer. This
capability of exploring data makes sphinxVision a suitable tool for
discovering knowledge in databases They use a neural network of the
WebSemba! combines knowledge accumulated in models built with sphinxVision and web based applications which use these models. Fact-it! is for data visualisation. |
IRIX, Win NT | neural networks and fuzzy logic | |||
S-PLUS | MathSoft | S-PLUS is a solution for exploratory data analysis, statistical data mining, and data visualisation. S-Plus is based on the S language (over 4200 built-in functions; users may modify functions and write new functions; data structures include vectors, matrices, arrays, and lists; variable length argument lists; special representation of categoricals, missing values, and infinite quantities; validation suite of test cases to confirm accuracy of S-PLUS output and interactive browser for debugging). | Win 95/98/NT/2000, Solaris, IRIX, HP-UX, Linux | Import SAS, SPSS, Excel and other file formats. Import data from Bloomberg, FAME, and LIM. | Basic statistics, regression, nonlinear regression and minimisation, mixed effects models, classification, nonparametric regression, ANOVA, smoothing and interpolation, multivariate analysis, cluster analysis, quality control, survival, time series, mathematical computation, user contributed code | ||
STATISTICA Neural Networks | StatSoft, Inc.
http://www.statsoft.com/stat_nn.html#platforms |
STATISTICA Neural Networks is a neural networks analysis package. It can be used as a stand-alone application or interface with STATISTICA or Quick STATISTICA. Intelligent Problem Solver is a tool that can guide the user through the necessary procedures for creating neural networks. The networks can be of practically unlimited size with up to 128 layers per network. Optional Source Code Generator add-on available (in C or C++ file). | neural networks | ||||
SuperQuery | AZMY Thinkware,
http://www.azmy.com/ |
SuperQuery Office
Edition is a data mining tool for MS Excel and Access data
SuperQuery Discovery contains support for most data sources, features for analysing related tables, tuning the data mining engine, additional virtual columns and expanded customisation of the user interface. |
Office Edition: $149.95,
Discovery Edition:
$449.95 |
Win 9x/NT | The Office edition of SuperQuery directly reads MS-Access, and MS-Excel. The Discovery edition directly reads MS-Access, xBASE, Borland Paradox, MS-Excel, and text files, other databases through ODBC drivers. | statistical methods, rule induction | |
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
thinkCRA | thinkAnalytics
http://www.thinkanalytics.com/product.html |
thinkCRAprovides an automated and intelligent customer information analysis solution for both e-business and traditional business models. The suite delivers customer understanding through the integration and knowledge sharing of customer segmentation, prediction of churn, product value and affinity, and marketing initiative result feedback. | Client: Win 95/98/NT/2000, Solaris, HP-UX Servers: Win NT/2000, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX. Linux Intel based (x86) | ||||
WebAnalyst | Megaputer Intelligence,
http://www.megaputer.com |
WebAnalystintegrates the data and text mining capabilities of Megaputer's analytical software directly into the web site, enabling individualised, automated targeted marketing; automatic discovery and implementation of cross-sell opportunities; and customised data collection. WebAnalyst profiles the web site resources using text analysis techniques, applies data and text mining algorithms to determine visitor interests and preferences, and then dynamically identifies the most appropriate resources to serve each visitor at every moment. | Clients: Win
Host HTTP server: no known restrictions, the HTTP server can be installed on the separate computer. |
Server interfaces with exploration engines OLE DB for data mining. | Exploration engines:
decision tree, market basket analysis, cluster, linear regression, find
laws, find dependencies, memory based reasoning,
classification | ||
WEBSOM | F | Gurusoft Oy, Espoo
http://www.gurusoft.fi/ |
The WEBSOM method can be used to automatically organise large collections of text documents onto visual map displays that facilitate exploration and search. Each point on the map is like a "pigeon-hole" for groups of documents. Documents of similar content are placed in the same or an adjacent location. The WEBSOM method has been developed at the Neural networks Research Centre of Helsinki University of Technology. | The method is based on the use of the Self-Organising Map (SOM) algorithm to organise the data. | |||
WizRule |
Wizsoft Inc.
Israel http://www.wizsoft.com/ |
automatically reveals all the if-then rules in the data you analyse,
and on the basis of the rules summarises the data, points at interesting
phenomena in the data, issues predictions for new cases.
WizRule reports the rules, and the cases deviating from the norm. Display the content of the deviated cases. Sorts the deviated cases by their level of unlikelihood. |
WizWhy $3995, WizRule $1395 | Win 95/NT | association rules | ||
Xchange eCRM Solutions | Exchange Applications | Xchange
Dialoguemeasures customer value, develops communications strategies,
manages cross-channel interactions as well as captures and analyses
communications effectiveness.
Xchange Real Time provides a conduit for rapid two-way dialogue between companies and customers, and serves as a bridge for cross-channel, enterprise integration. Xchange EnAct enables managers in a branch office or retail location to use locally gathered data to tailor offers for their local markets in order to make each customer relationship more profitable. |
Win NT, Solaris | Oracle, link to other databases through adapters | predictive models, customer profiling | ||
XpertRule Miner | Attar Software Limited | XpertRule Mineris an ActiveX data mining components for embedding within vertical applications. It is scalable high performance client-server data mining. | Win 95/98/2000/ NT | Data can be input from any ODBC compliant data source and output as ODBC, CSV or DMT format files. | tree induction, discovering association rules, discovering clusters in data |
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Affinium Suite | Unica Corporation | Affinium Model.
Unica's data mining software, integrates segmentation
and profiling, valuation, response modelling, and cross selling features
to solve specific marketing problems or to create marketing strategies
that extend across the complete customer life cycle.
Affinium Campaign. Helps marketers attract and retain customers by building campaigns and implementing interaction strategies across multiple channels. Affinium Interact. Helps marketers leverage the power of the Internet and other real-time channels, such as call center resources, to implement personalised, permission-based marketing. Affinium Report. An open, business intelligence-based reporting framework, features a customisable, Web-based "dashboard" that organises critical information for monitoring, measuring and assessing marketing effectiveness. |
The Affinium Suite runs in both
Windows NT and UNIX environments
and is scalable to multiple servers to accommodate large call centers. |
The core of Unica's multi-channel integration is the company's Universal Dynamic Interconnect (UDI), an architecture and application layer that enables simultaneous access to databases and flat files and data sharing with customer contact systems. UDI avoids the need for an application-specific data mart. | predictive modelling | ||
ALICE d'ISoft |
ISoft | AIMedia is a tool for personalisation on the web. From a subtle analysis
of the customer's behaviour and of his profile, AIMedia proposes an
adapted and personalised offer, through web banners and other
communication channels.
ALICE d'ISoft is interactive data mining tool meant for the mainstream business user. |
Windows 95/98/NT/2000, TSE, Metaframe. | Relational databases (via ODBC
and OLE DB drivers) without limitation in database size. Also SPSS, SAS
files, text files,
desktop files (Excel, Access...). |
decision trees | ||
ALife-eCRM | Artificial Life, Inc.
http://www.artificial-life.com |
ALife-eCRM features: user profiling, reporting and statistical tools, live
chat, unified administration. Components of the eCRM
ALife-WebGuide communicates with the Web visitors using natural language and seamlessly guides them through the Web site. ALife-STAn is Smart Text Analyzer. ALife-KnowledgeEditor ALife-CallCenter ALife-Messenger is an intelligent, natural language based automated e-mail customer service and support bot. |
Win NT, Linux, Solaris, Virtual Machine JRE or JAVA version 1.1.7B or later | ALife-STAn uses linguistic methodologies including fuzzy logic, neural network, and statistical methods to gather pertinent information about the user's preferences and topics of interest. | |||
ATG Dynamo e-Business Platform | Art Technology Group, Inc. | ATG Dynamo e-Business Platformoffers personalisation and advanced e-commerce features. It introduces e-business scenarios: a way to manage customer interactions and ongoing customer relationships, a way to manage customer relationships throughout the lifecycle across multiple channels. | Java-based | ||||
Avenue | Saratoga Systems
http://www.saratogasystems.com/crm/index.html Subsidiaries in the U.K., France, Germany, and Sweden. |
Avenue is a integrated suite of CRM business solutions for managing sales, marketing, customer service and operation processes. | Win 95/98/NT, Unix | MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase SQL Server, DB2, Informix, SQL Anywhere | |||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Baan Enterprise Solutions Suite | F | Baan Company N.V.,
The Netherlands, Reseller partners: |
Baan Enterprise Solutions Suiteis an enterprise resource management system from managing customer relations to optimising supply chain. BaanFrontOffice offers a software package for customer interaction and relationship management. BaanFrontOffice includes components that enable salesforce automation, product configuration, and call center management. | ||||
Broad Mind
Broad Network |
Broad Daylight Inc. | Broad Mind consists of:
BroadVision One-To-One Commerce | F | BroadVision Inc.
Distributors: Future 121 Stonesoft |
BroadVision One-To-One
Commercesoftware products and services for enabling large-scale net
BroadVision Business Commerce is a business-to-business e-commerce solution. It enables companies to reduce the cost of order processing, contract administration, and customer service. It provides channel access, whether to current customers and partners or to an expanding customer/partner base. Simultaneously, BroadVision Business Commerce captures and analyses information that allows companies to provide a unique purchasing experience for each customer, partners, or employee. BroadVision MarketMaker attracts and retains buyers and suppliers by focusing on their specific business needs. It facilitates the formation of trading communities with automated order processing, attribute-based RFQs, sophisticated catalog management, dynamic auctioning, and robust analytic and reporting capabilities. BroadVision Procurement is a Web-based self-service purchasing system for maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) goods. It delivers proven scalability and performance, plus wireless accessibility to purchasing information through standard industry tools. BroadVision Procurement simplifies purchasing administration and facilitates business planning through advanced administrative, analytical, and reporting tools. Other software products: BroadVision Retail Commerce Suite, BroadVision Billing, BroadVision Finance, BroadVision InfoExchange, BroadVision One-To-One Publishing, BroadVision One-To-One Enterprise platform, and BroadVision Tools. |
Sun Solaris, Hewlett-Packard HP-UX 11.0, Win NT | Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, Informix | ||
BusinessObjects 2000
BusinessMainer |
Business Objects
http://www.businessobjects.com/products/ |
BusinessObjects 2000is a business intelligence (BI) platform and integrated toolset that lets users access, analyse, and share information both within and beyond the enterprise. It is designed to be easy to use and to be secure, scaleable, and extensible. BusinessMiner is a data mining product positioned for the mainstream business user. | decision trees | ||||
Chordiant | Chordiant Software, Inc. | Chordiant builds CRM applications that provide an enterprise-wide view of customer interactions by integrating the web, the call center, and retail operations. Chordiant Technology incorporates 5 differentiators: Single Customer View, Business Process Activation, Personalised Interactions, Multi-channel Business Architecture, Guided Transactions. | |||||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Clarify eFrontOffice | F | Nortel Networks Corporation,
http://www.nortelnetworks.com/ Nortel Networks Finland Oy |
The Clarify eFrontOffice
Product Suite consists of four individual solution areas: Clarify Sales
Solution, Clarify Service Solution, Clarify Marketing Solution, and
Clarify eBusiness Solution.
Clarify eFrontOffice enables to:
Clarify Business Objects support object architectures such as COM+/ActiveX for MS Windows NT users, and CORBA/JavaBeans for UNIX users. | |||
CustomerCentric (eMine) |
F | SPSS, Inc.
http://www.spss.com/clementine/ http://www.spss.com/customercentric/ SPSS Finland Oy |
Clementine enables to explore the opportunities in the data backed by a set
of modelling techniques to help to find the best result in the shortest
amount of time. Clementine's range of applications: predict market share,
detect possible fraud, locate new retail sites, assess financial risk,
analyse demographic trends and patterns etc.
CustomerCentric is a analytical CRM solution. CustomerCentric distributes data-derived scores to operational CRM systems to drive personalised content delivery. In addition, it enables companies to deploy customer insight to managers and executives so that they can make informed, data-driven decisions. |
SQL | Clementine offers
multiple modelling techniques, e.g. linear regression, neural networks, cluster analysis, decision trees, visualisation, rule induction, association modelling etc. | ||
Client Management Software (CMS) | ON!contact Software
http://www.oncontact.com/ |
CMS is a customer relationship management application suite for mid-market companies. The CMS application suite is a single software system made up of several tightly integrated modules – including CMS Sales, CMS Marketing and CMS Customer Service, | Win 95/98/NT, Unix | ODBC | |||
Cognos business intelligence
F | Cognos Incorporated
Cognos Oy, Helsinki |
Cognos business intelligence(BI) solutions lets to use information to make better e-business decisions. It lets to share information with customers and the supply chain to forge effective, lasting e-business relationships. The Cognos Platform is built for e-business and ready for Internet, extranet, and intranet deployments. Cognos Platform enables visualisation and scorecarding, reporting, analysis, and ad hoc query capabilities as well as pre-packaged e-applications. It enables to create BI-ready data marts and to give suppliers, partners, and customers a single point of personalised access to information through Gognos portal interface. The Cognos EBI data mart creation service consists of delivery of the data mart creation service through DecisionStream and display of data mart information through multidimensional analysis and reporting with Cognos PowerPlay, report on data mart information with visual reporting with Cognos Visualizer, deliver status and managed reporting of data mart information with Impromptu and Impromptu Web reports, ad hoc query creation, navigation and exploration on data mart information with Cognos Query, pre-configured data marts providing business intelligence today with Cognos e-Applications, and accelerator for SAP. | Win 95/98/NT | Cognos Scenario supports data from text files, Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, dBase tables. Via Impromptu reports: InterBase, Open Ingres, Centura SQLBase, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, Adaptive Server, MDI DB2 Gateway, OmniSQL Server, Sybase DirectConnect, ODBC. | The Cognos EBI data mining service consists of: segmentation and classification with Cognos Scenario, predictive modelling with Cognos 4Thought, visualisation with Cognos Visualizer. | |
Corema | F | ICL Invia Oy | Corema (COnsumer RElationship MArketing) on asiakassuhdemarkkinointiin tarkoitettu järjestelmäkokonaisuus, jonka avulla siirrytään massamarkkinoinnista yksilöllisempään ja kohdistetumpaan viestintään. Asiakasrekisteristä edetään ryhmittelyn, yksityiskohtaisen asiakastiedon ja ennakoinnin kautta asiakkaiden segmentoinnin hallintaan. Corema mittaa mm. asiakaskannattavuutta ja -uskollisuutta. | ||||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
DD Series | Data Distilleries B.V., Netherlands | DD Series is a analytical CRM solution that realises an enterprise-wide personalised customer experience and is a solution for multi touchpoint personalisation. DD Series consists of four components: DD/Marketer is a line-of-business user tool for defining sales and marketing activities DD/Expert is a tool for configuring DD/Marketer. DD/Dsire is DD Series' online scoring component. DD/Server is the central Customer Behaviour Modelling (CBM) discovery server, where analyses take place and where customer models are stored. | Unix, Mac, Win 3.x/95/98/NT, OS/2 | Dbase Paradox, Foxpro, Oracle, Sybase, ODBC | neural networks, statistical methods, decision trees, rule induction, Bayesian network | ||
Delphi CRM | F | Delphi Oy, Espoo | Delphi CRM 4.0 is an application designed for CRM covering the following areas: sales management, marketing management, customer support, invoicing and deliveries, consultation projects, and project development. Delphi CRM 4.0 is built on top of Remedy Action Request System, an application platform for process oriented applications like IT service management, purchase ordering, sales management, facilities management etc. Delphi Sales Management covers the following sales management areas: hierarcial customer database shared with all other CRM modules, sales forecasting tools, opportunities tracking, quotations management, contract management, task management and tracking, reporting, and queries on database. Customer Support has been designed to track customer issues and deal with them on a timely basis: issues tracking and process control (with Call, Urgency, and Service Levels), product delivery management, and support agreement management. Purchase Order Management deals with all company purchase orders. Tracking and notifications based on customer’s process, materials delivery tracking, links to Support Agreement Management. Consultation Project Management has been designed for organisations delivering project work to their customers. Product Development module has been designed to track various product development tasks: product enhancements and defects tracking, work planning and task tracking, linked with Customer Support. | ||||
E.piphany E.5 | E.piphany, Inc. | E.piphany E.5 brings together analytic and operational customer relationship management enabling companies to uncover deep insights and act on them immediately. E.piphany E.5 coordinates and unifies in real time all inbound and outbound interactions with customers, regardless of whether they fall into the business-to-consumer or business-to-business category. Products: Campaign Management, Campaign Management for E-commerce, Campaign Management for E-mail, Connected Sales, Enterprise Insight, Real-Time Personalization, Service Center, Service Portal. | It's built on industry standards (such as MS IIS and SQL Server, Oracle 8) and uses existing applications and data warehouses where applicable. | rules-based and analytic personalisation technologies | |||
EDGE | Information Management
Associates, Inc. (IMA)
http://www.imaedge.com/ |
EDGE software architecture is comprised of distinct layers of development and customisation tools, application functionality, and integration interfaces and components. These layers give the flexibility and power to develop the CRM system to empower communication between employees and customers and customise, change, and refine the solution as the business needs change; to speed deployment of the solution by taking advantage of pre-packaged template applications included in EDGE; to integrate the solution with the industry's leading computer telephony and database devices and state-of-the-art Internet technologies. | Unix, Win NT | ||||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
EDS Digital CRM Services | F | Electronic data Systems
Corporation (EDS)
EDS Finland Oy http://www.eds.fi |
EDS Digital CRM Services:
Customer Interaction Center Services - Outsourced services for B2B/B2C clients. Customer Interaction Center services include customer relations, emergency and concierge services, technical product support and lead generation to sales. Customer Intelligence Services - Provides services to collect, manage, augment, analyse and apply customer data in support of marketing and sales efforts. They also include resource management to support these efforts. Fulfillment and Distribution Services - Combines front-end contact center services with order management, payment processing, lettershop and back-end logistics supporting product, subscription and association membership fulfillment. Distribution services also include inventory, warehouse and returns management. eCRM Services - A set of eCRM Services that will help to design and implement customer care lifecycle activities from an enterprise-wide perspective. Business Intelligence Services - EDS Business Intelligence Services to help transform customer data into information, knowledge, and actions they can use to enhance their customer-care strategies. Knowledge Management Services - EDS Knowledge Management Services help to put people, processes, technology, and strategies together to create a collaborative and client-centric organisation. |
customer profiling and segmentation techniques, custom predictive models, desktop data mining, and reporting capabilities | |||
ENFO eSolutions
ENFO Asterix |
F | Tietosavo Oyj
http://www.tietosavo.com/ |
ENFO Asterix on energiayrityksille suunnattu asiakkuuksien hallintaa palveleva kokonaisjärjestelmä. Sen avulla yritys ja sen eri toiminnot hallitsevat tietovirrat markkinointitoimintojen suunnittelusta koko asiakassuhteen elinkaaren ajan. Asterix kattaa sähkön ja lämmön myynnin toiminnot ja on sovitettavissa myös veden ja maakaasun myyntiin. Osa järjestelmän toiminnoista on yhteisiä, osa energiamuodoittain eriytettyjä. Tietosavo Oyj jälleenmyy Corechange Inc:n Coreport-yritysportaalia Suomessa sekä rakentaa tarvittavia lisäarvopalveluja yritysportaaliin. | ||||
Enterprise SalesMaker
Vega |
Software Innovation a.s., Norway, Sweden | ESM is a sales and
marketing system primarily designed for medium and large companies and
Vega is a lighter sales and marketing application intended for companies with 1-50 users. |
Epicor eFrontOffice | Epicor Software Corporation | Epicor eFrontOfficefor midmarket businesses includes Epicor eMarketing, Epicor eSales, Epicor eSupport, and Epicor eFrontOffice Connector. Other products: Epicor eBackOffice, Epicor ePortals, Epicor eCommerce Suite, Epicor eIntelligence, Epicor eIndustry. | Win NT | ||||
e-point 5 | Point Information Systems
http://www.pointinfo.com |
With e-point 5 channel solutions for contact centers, partners, face-to-face sales (link to mobile) and self-service. e-point has been built on Point's n-tier, component-based thin-client architecture. e-point has been designed from the ground up to take advantage of the latest technologies, including XML, COM, CORBA and connectors to third-party applications based on Point's Open API. | |||||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
eXtend eCommerce | F | Novo Group
http://www.novogroup.com/ |
eXtend eCommerce muodostuu perusjärjestelmästä sekä sen päälle rakennettavista lisämoduuleista, jotka ovat joko valmiita tai yrityksen erityistarpeiden mukaan räätälöityjä. Valmismoduuleja on noin 30. eCommercen perusjärjestelmä sisältää verkkokaupan elementit, kuten tuoteluettelo- ja perushinnoittelutoiminnot, käyttäjähallinnan ja ostoskorilogiikan, tilauskäsittelyn ja toimitustapavaihtoehtojen hallinnan, kaupan viestinnällisen sisällön päivitystyökalut, myyntiraportit sekä asiakasrekisterin. Moduulien avulla eCommerce muuntuu peruskauppapaikasta esimerkiksi b-to-b-tilausjärjestelmäksi, kanta-asiakaspalvelukanavaksi tai vaikka kansainväliseksi tukkukaupan kokonaisratkaisuksi. | ||||
FrontMind | Manna, Inc. | FrontMind enables e-marketers to truly know their customers and deliver precisely targeted offers, as well as learn and improve on existing marketing initiatives. | Java-based | ||||
genesisWorld | CAS Software AG, Germany | genesisWorld is a groupware platform for CRM and assures that the employees have complete customer information, like profiles and history, with a few mouse clicks on screen. genesisWorld is developed for small and medium sized enterprises. | |||||
GoldMine | FrontRange Solutions Inc. | GoldMine 5.0 automates small offices, home offices and small
GoldMine FrontOffice 2000 seamlessly links sales and marketing with service and support for personalised front-to-back customer care. GoldMine Everywhere Server puts the power of GoldMine FrontOffice 2000 on the Web and in the palm. GoldSync 5.0 makes it easy to share data with all members of the sales team from the home office to the field. |
$295 (GoldMine 5.0) | Win 95/98/NT | |||
iEnterprise | Applix, Inc. | Internet-based iEnterprise offers organisations the ability to manage and analyse customer data, as well as provide a collaborative solution that extends access of this data to customers, employees and partners. With Applix iEnterprise, companies can run their entire enterprise from a central site, enabling users around the globe to access corporate information using an Internet browser. | Win 95/NT, mobile client platforms | MS SQL Server , Oracle, Informix
(Special Order Only),
Sybase (Special Order Only), ODBC |
Infinium CRM | Infinium | By connecting core front-office and back-office applications with current information generated by sales, marketing, calling enters, field service technicians, and online support services, Infinium CRM builds a central data source with: Sales Force Automation, Marketing Automation, Customer Service, Support Automation, Business Automation. | MS NT/SQL Server architecture and OLAP Services | OLAP | |||
InfoManager Data Warehouse | F | InfoManager OY
http://www.infomanager.fi |
InfoManager CRM is a customer-centric data warehouse. InfoManager CRM is based on Lotus Notes. Customer addresses and details, company hierarchies, contact names and customer profiles are held in the centralised customer database. The latest business figures may be accessed in the following ways: Internet, Windows PCs, email, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Palm devices. InfoManager modules: Collector, Server, Client, Reporter, Enterprise Web, Enterprise for Lotus Notes, Planner. InfoManager CRM supports e-mail, fax campaigns and direct mail. InfoManager CRM lets the users replicate relevant subset of the database to a laptop and use it off-line and download changes back to the central corporate database. InfoManager NetCube enables the distribution of analytical information in the form of net cubes to local and remote web servers and Domino servers. NetCube is Java based. | AS/400 | DB2/400 | ||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
IntellAgent Control System | F | TJ Group
IntellAgent Control Systemis based on Lotus Notes and Domino. Features: Account Management, Calendaring and Scheduling, Lead Capture and Qualification, Literature Fulfillment, Mass Mailing, Proposal Generation, Quote Generation, Sales Planning, Revenue Forecasting, Sales Pipeline, Analysis, Sales Process Management, Quota Management, Marketing Encyclopedia, and Competitive Knowledgebase. | ||||
Janna Enterprise Suite | Janna Systems Inc., Canada
Acquired by Siebel, Sep 11, 2000. |
The Janna Enterprise Suite
enables the synchronisation of all customer interactions and transactions
across multiple communication channels, including the Internet, phone, fax
and e-mail. In addition, the Suite provides enterprises with the ability
to offer their clients self-service e-business solutions, that are
instantly personalised based on an existing client profile. The
integration of our two core products --Janna Contact Enterprise and Janna
LivePage Enterprise-- offers a customisable product. Key features of the
Janna Enterprise Suite include: deliver personalised service across all
client channels, sShare all client knowledge across the enterprise,
enterprise scalability. To extend the reach of Janna Contact Enterprise to
wireless devices and remote, untethered users, the Janna Enterprise Suite
includes the following platform components: Janna Remote and Janna
Janna Enterprise Suite contains the following modules: Campaign Management, Coverage Management, Headline News, Janna Palm, Synchronization, Literature Fulfillment, and Ticker Tracking. |
Kaidara Commerce
Kaidara Advisor |
http://www.kaidara.com/ |
Both product lines are built on top of Kaidara's Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) and data mining engines. | Win, Unix, Linux | ||||
Kana | Kana Communications
http://www.kana.com |
At the core of the Kana Solution is the eBusiness Platform, a Web-architected scalable platform that allows for rapid configuration, easy deployment and seamless integration with existing applications and databases.The Kana eBusiness Platform enables personal portals that offer customers, partners and the enterprise a global view of all customer interactions. Multiple communication channels, including e-mail, Web, chat, instant messaging, voice over the Internet, phone and person-to-person. | |||||
LeadMaster | LeadMaster, Inc. | LeadMaster offers its clients a Centralized Service Bureau (CSB) to address the myriad elements of managing marketing databases on the web. LeadMaster is a web-based marketing solution that enables companies to close the loop between marketing and sales and provide top-notch Customer Relationship Management. It offers web-based lead and campaign management (in real time) and tools for data mining, sales forecasting and ROI (return on investment) measurement. | |||||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Major Blue CRM | F | Major Blue Company - MBC Osakeyhtiö | Major Blue CRM -ratkaisu sisältää sovelluskomponentit asiakassuhteen eri vaiheiden hallintaan aina kontaktikanavariippumattomasta ensikontaktista asiakkaan help-desk –palveluun. Major Blue CRM -ratkaisussa ytimenä olevaa asiakastietokantaa ylläpidetään sekä Web-käyttöliittymällä että Wap-kännykällä. Major Blue Markkinointi -sovellus on kehitetty koko yrityksen myynnin, markkinoinnin ja johdon seurantavälineeksi. Major Blue Import -moduulin ansiosta ulkoa hankitut osoitetiedot voidaan yhdistää yrityksen omaan CRM -asiakastietokantaan. Moduuli päivittää tietokannan osoitteet markkinoiden merkittävimpien osoitetoimittajien tiedoilla. Major Blue Query –moduulilla markkinointiviestit kohdennetaan oikeille kohderyhmille. Major Blue Campaign –sovelluksella voidaan mitata kampanjoiden onnistumista. Major Blue eFeedback –sovellus tehostaa asiakastyytyväisyyden mittausta ja yritys saa näin paremman keskusteluyhteyden asiakkaaseensa. Sovellus on suoraan integroitu Major Blue CRM -asiakastietokantaan. Soveltuu osaksi laatujärjestelmää (ISO9000). Major Blue OLAP -toiminto auttaa yritystä CRM-tietokannan tietojen analysoinnissa SQL Server OLAP- ja Excel Pivot –toimintoihin nojautuen. Major Blue CTI –konsultointi suunnittelee ja toteuttaa computer-telephony-interface –ratkaisut. | MS Office2000 | |||
Marketing Network | MarketSoft Corporation | The Marketing Network empowers marketers in the B2B and B2C sales-assisted markets strapped with these challenges to break free and maximize eBusiness and Web marketing initiatives. It comprises MarketSoft’s eOffers and eLeads, which together create a synergy that has eOffers creating demand for its users’ products and services, with eLeads fulfilling that demand. The end result is an acceleration of buying cycles and sustained growth and retention of new customers. | |||||
manager |
update.com software AG, Germany | Marketing.manager is designed to provide broad functionality for sales, marketing and customer service automation systems. It enables companies to use enterprisewide CRM systems to manage product and competitor data and which are equipped with decisionmaking tools. | |||||
Merlin CRM | F | Merlin Systems Oy | CRM DataStore on erityisesti kvalitatiivisen tiedon hallintaan suunniteltu tietokantaratkaisu. SalesPower on Windows-ympäristöön suunniteltu käyttöliittymä CRM DataStore -tietokannan käyttöön. WebOffice on Web-kyttöliittymä, joka mahdollistaa Merlin CRM DataStore -tietokannan selailun ja muokkauksen. Feedback Web-palautekanavan avulla asiakkaat voivat itse ylläpitää tietojaan ja lisäksi asiakkailta voidaan esim. tehdä vapaamuotoisia kyselyjä, vastaanottaa ilmoittaumisia, reklaamaatioita jne. Palautteet ja ylläpitotiedot voidaan vastaanottaa jatkokäsittelyä varten suoraan tietokantaan. WebOrder on Web-tilauskanava. Tilauskanavasta tehdyt tilaukset voivat linkittyä suoraan mm. CRM DataStore -tietokantaan. Web Agents on käyttöliittymätyökalu, jonka avulla voidaan toteuttaa haluttuja selainpohjaisia käyttöliittymiä. RepliSync-ohjelmiston avulla CRM DataStore -tietokanta voidaan hajauttaa (esim. kannettavaan.). Phone Integration -puhelinagentin avulla voidaan tunnistaa puhelu ja hakea soittajan tiedot ruudulle automaattisesti. Calendar Integration -moduulin avulla voidaan kytkeä MS Schedule+ tai Outlook -ohjelmistoilla tehdyt varaukset CRM-järjestelmään ja E-mail Integration -moduulilla voidaan kytkeä valitut sähköpostiviestit CRM-järjestelmään. Passage Integration mahdollistaa kulunvalvontajärjestelmän liittämisen CRM-järjestelmään. | CRM DataStore: esim. alle10
käyttäjää, 900 euroa; yli 100 käyttäjää, 4300; SalesPower/ WebOffice: 1käyttäjä 830 euroa, yli 100 käyttäjää 340 euroa/käyttäjä; Replisync: 340 euroa; Phone Integration: 220 euroa; Calendar/E-mail integration 85 euroa |
Server: Win NT/2000
Client: Win 3.x/95/98/NT/2000 |
ODBC | |
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
MicroStrategy eCRM 7 | MicroStrategy Incorporated | MicroStrategy eCRM
Starts at $1,995 per named user. Web extractors are $7,500 per metered web server. | MicroStrategy eCRM 7 is built on the open MicroStrategy 7 platform. | |||
MSI CRM Solution | MSI (Metapath Software International Limited) | The MSI CRM Solution is enabled by Ceer, a customer-centric scalable data-mart, designed specifically for the wireless industry. Ceer customer manager integrates customer usage data, billing information and demographic and lifestyle information to be used in customer relationship management. | |||||
MultiMark 2000 | MultiMark AS, Denmark
Software Innovation has acquired MultiMark (3 February 2000). |
MultiMark 2000 is the CRM market leader on the Danish market. "MultiMark 2000 er et fleksibelt, skalerbart og implementeringsklart Customer Relationship Management system. Løsningen adresserer behovet hos alle interessenter i virksomheder, der arbejder med direkte og indirekte kundekontakt - salg, marketing, kundeservice, support, kundeteams, ledelse m.v., som bruger kundeinformationer som fundamentet for deres arbejde." | |||||
mySAP | F | SAP
http://www.sap-ag.de/solutions/crm/index.htm SAP Finland OY |
From employee portals to mobile business solutions, the mySAP.com e-business platform provides the solutions and services companies need to eliminate enterprise boundaries and participate in a global marketplace. | ||||
NCR CRM Solution | NCR Corporation | NCR’s Customer Analysis for retail data warehousing is designed to help to achieve a customer-focused strategy. NCR Customer Analysis is built upon NCR’s Teradata Warehouse. NCR's CRM Solution is comprised of six major sets of functionality: Analysis, Modelling, Communication, Personalisation, Optimisation and Interaction. The integration of these functionality sets enables marketing analysts to understand what each customer needs and values most, to model customer interaction behaviour, to identify significant customer events and rapidly deploy communications, to personalise the messaging, and to optimise relationships with customers through the most effective interaction channels. | Clients: Win 9x, 2000, NT
Servers: Win NT 4.0 |
NCR Teradata, Oracle | |||
Onyx 2000 | F | Onyx Software Corporation
TietoEnator Oyj |
Onyx 2000 is a Web-based enterprise-wide, customer centric e-business product suite. Its Customer, Partner and Employee Portals, delivered via the Onyx e-Business Engine, enable companies to consolidate all critical relationship information, making it available to employees, customers, and partners. | Win 2000 | MS SQL Server | ||
OpenSourceCRM | OpenSourceCRM | The OpenSourceCRM project (OSSCRM) intends to build a complete, robust, and easy-to-use suite of Customer Relationship Management applications that are free of charge and compliant with the Open Source definition. OpenSourceCRM is the open source solution for Customer Relationship Management. | |||||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Oracle CRM solution | F | Oracle
Oracle Finland Oy |
Oracle Customer
Managementis facilitating unified customer channels, customer
intelligence, and 1-to-1 relationship. Oracle CRM solution contains the
following modules: Payment Server, iBill&Pay, iStore, iMarketing,
iSupport and Selling Point. Oracle E-commerce is a suite of integrated
e-commerce applications for internet marketing, sales, and service. Oracle
Interaction Center is a suite of applications that support the operation
of inbound, outbound, blended, multimedia, and multi-channel call centers.
Marketing Intelligence allows marketing professionals to react to market
changes in a timely manner. Marketing Intelligence is integrated with
Oracle Marketing, the Oracle Business Intelligence System (BIS), and other
CRM products such as Sales Intelligence, Customer Intelligence, and Call
Center Intelligence, to provide insightful information about marketing
execution points, as well as customer profiles. Sales Intelligence
provides senior executives, sales managers, and analysts with a real-time
enterprise view of their sales data to help them meet quotas, assess
current performance, and make continuous improvements to their sales
processes. It includes a robust set of reports covering eight key focus
areas including: salesforce performance, sales effectiveness, revenue
management, customer analysis, product analysis, channel analysis, and
pipeline analysis.
iMarketing allows each merchant to create real-time, targeted promotions and product recommendations on their e-commerce site. iStore provides a web-based channel for unassisted selling of products and services. With iSupport, customers can check the status of their orders, enter and modify service requests, perform inquiries against a knowledge management system, view and maintain their installed base, participate in forums, and view transaction history and status. |
http://oraclestore.oracle.com/ | AIX-based systems, Compaq Tru64 Unix, HP 9000 Series HP-UX, MS Win NT, Sun SPARC Solaris | Oracle Data Mining Suite imposes no limit on the amount of data to be mined. Oracle gateways provide access to data stored in other databases. | Oracle Data Mining Suite features parallel implementations of classification and regression trees, neural networks, k-nearest neighbours (memory-based reasoning), regression, and clustering algorithms. |
ORBIS iC Solutions | ORBIS AG, Germany | ORBIS iC Solutions provides in one package. the following components: direct sales, customer service and support, product and proposal configuration, call center, integrates with various groupware solutions (including MS Outlook, Lotus Notes), direct marketing, marketing encyclopedia, telesales, customising workbench for Web sales, data warehouse. Open Component Technology. | |||||
Orchestrate | Torrent Systems, Inc.
http://www.torrent.com/ |
Orchestrate provides a development environment and software infrastructure that enables enterprises to build and deploy CRM, eCRM, Web mining, data mining, demand forecasting, and other large-scale analytical applications that can process and analyse massive amounts of online and offline data. | UNIX flat files, such as Web server logs; RDBMS tables (IBM DB2 UDB, Oracle, Informix, and NCR Teradata); COBOL programs; SAS steps; third-party applications like SAS etc. | parallel training and application of models, neural networks, decision trees, hybrid trees, clustering, statistics | |||
PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management | PeopleSoft, Inc.
http://www.peoplesoft.com/ |
PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management can be used as separate modules or as an integrated enterprise suite. | |||||
Pilot Decision Support Suite (PDSS) | Pilot Software, Inc.
http://www.pilotsw.com/solutions/index.htm |
Pilot DSS is a platform for defining and deploying business intelligence applications for corporate networks and the Internet. | |||||
Pivotal eRelationship 2000 | Pivotal Corporation
Pivotal eRelationship 2000fuses the power of a robust eCommerce server and portal with Pivotal's eCustomer Relationship Management. | Win 2000 | MS SQL Server | |||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Prevail Solutions Suite | Synergistics | Prevail Solutions
Suiteinclude CRM applications for Lotus Notes.
Prevail Knowledge Portal. The intelligent business portal. Prevail Enterprise. The intelligent sales performance solution. e-Prevail. The acclaimed customer relationship management tool that combines sales automation with an information management portal. Prevail Professional. The sales effectiveness solution. Prevail Value Modules. Sales automation tools. |
Client: Win 95/98,
Server: Win NT |
Prime@Vantage | PrimeResponse Inc. | Prime@Vantage consists of four integrated components:
Profilum | F | Profilum Information Services Oy | The Profilum database
solution include the following modules:
Profilum Basic. Feedback management, handling workflows, data warehousing, reports. Profilum CampaignManager. Web advertising campaign management, real-time statistics, reports. Profilum ContactCenter. Prospect and order process management, handling workflows, a tool for marketing and sales force. Profilum DirectManager. Permission email marketing solution and services. |
Quintus eContact Suite | Quintus Corporation
http://www.quintus.com |
The Quintus eContact Suite provides personalisation, routing, management, and reporting for every customer interaction. | Clients: Win 95/98/NT
Servers: Win NT, HP-UX, Sun SPARC Solaris, UnixWare, AIX |
MS SQL Server (NT)
Oracle (NT, UNIX) Informix (UNIX) Sybase (NT, UNIX) |
Remedy CRM Solutions | F | Remedy Corporation Inc.
Delphi Oy, Espoo |
Remedy Leads Managementhelps to manage marketing campaigns and presales lead qualification for more effective acquisition and retention of satisfied, loyal customers. Remedy Sales Continuum provides critical information to in-house and remote sales reps, enabling people to focus on the opportunities that fit an optimal customer profile. Remedy Customer Support automates support processes and provides closed-loop resolution to your customers, so you can provide the superior service it takes to increase customer satisfaction and drive repeat business. Remedy Quality Management helps you track product issues through the resolution process, so you can turn customer wants and needs into product enhancements-thereby increasing product quality and enhancing customer satisfaction. | Client: Win, Web-enabled,
Solaris, HP-UX, AIX
Server: Win NT Server, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX |
Oracle, MS SQL Server, Informix Online, Sybase | ||
RightNow Web | RightNow Technologies, Inc. | RightNow Web automates customer
service and technical support through three Web-based modes of query:
Self-service, E-mail management, Live chat.
Unix, Win NT | Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL | |||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Sales Office
eSales Office |
S3 AG, Germany | Die S3 AG ist führender deutscher Anbieter von Customer Relationship Management (CRM und eCRM) -Lösungen. | |||||
Interact.com ACT! |
Interact Commerce Corporation | A provider of front office automation software for mid-market companies. Hosted solution which includes hardware, core apps, systems and database admin, and other services is available from various ASPs. | Pricing starts from approx. $200 per month. | Win 95/98/NT | InterBase (version
MS SQL Server (version 6.5 and 7.0), Oracle |
MarketMiner Response Wizard | |
SAS CRM | F | SAS Institute, Inc.
http://www.sas.com/solutions/crm/index.html SAS Institute Oy |
The SAS Solution for CRM is
positioned to help to attain the panoramic customer view. Users
Siebel eBusiness
Siebel.COM Applications Siebel Call Center Applications Siebel Field Sales and Field Service Applications Siebel Marketing Applications Siebel Channel Applications Siebel Industry Applications |
F | Siebel Systems, Inc.
Siebel Suomi Oy |
Siebel Systems provides the
family of multichannel eBusiness applications and services. Siebel
eBusiness applications allow organisations to create a single source
of customer information that makes it easier to sell to, market to, and
service customers across multiple channels, including the Web, call
centers, field, resellers, retail, and dealer networks. The Siebel
eBusiness architecture includes:
Siebel Personalization. The multichannel personalisation engine, allowing organisations to tailor the presentation of content, information, and business processes based on customer profiles. Siebel Remote. The scalable data synchronisation solution for mobile clients and for server-to-server replication. Siebel Workflow. A workflow engine that allows organisations to visually model business processes and apply workflow automation rules across all channels of distribution. Siebel Tools. A visual development tool suite that allows organisations to customise the user interface, business rules, and captured data without compromising the support or upgrades of Siebel eBusiness applications. Siebel EAI. A integration solution that provides prebuilt support to seamlessly integrate Siebel eBusiness applications with leading middleware products such as IBM MQSeries, back office products such as SAP R/3, and industry-specific back office products such as credit card and claim processing systems. Siebel EAI also includes a toolkit for seamlessly integrating Siebel eBusiness applications with any third-party software product. |
Siebel eBusiness Applications operate on all major computing platforms used by organisations, including mobile clients, connected clients, thin clients, and handheld clients. Additionally, the Siebel eBusiness Architecture supports WAP and voice recognition so users can access Siebel eBusiness Applications even from their mobile phones. | |||
Soffront TRACKWeb CRM | Soffront Software, Inc. | TRACKWeb CRM is a set of four tightly integrated components: defect tracking, help desk management, sales force automation, and knowledge management. These fully web-based components can be used individually or as a completely integrated turnkey customer relationship management solution. It is scalable and customisable and for medium to large corporations. | dbase IV, MS SQL Server, Oracle | ||||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Staffware eCRM | Staffware, UK
http://www.staffware.com |
Staffware eCRM is a scalable customer relationship management solution, supporting front office applications in both large and mid-sized companies. Applications include: Account management, Sales cycle activity planning, Customer service, Field sales, Sales management, Event management/ analysis, telemarketing, Workgroup activity monitoring, Management reporting, Criteria based targeting, Time management, Direct marketing/list management. | Unix and Win NT | ||||
TELEMAR | Information Management
Associates, Inc. (IMA)
http://www.imaedge.com/ |
TELEMAR provides a set of "out of the box" features and functionality that enable an organisation to manage and maintain every aspect of their customer interactions. These include: Account Management, Campaign Management, Customer Service Management, Script Management, Application Generation, Contacts and Mail List Management, Event Management, Field Sales Management, TELEMAR Mobile, TELEMAR GUI, Computer Telephony Integration, TELEMAR Fax, TeleCall, Intelligent Dial. | IBM AS/400 | ||||
Tiedonhallinnan eCRM | F | TH Tiedonhallinta Oyj
http://www.tiedonhallinta.fi |
Tiedonhallinnan CRM
-järjestelmän tarjoamia perustoimintoja ovat:
asiakkaiden perustietojen tallennus ja ylläpito, asiakashistoria, asiakaskontaktien seuranta, asiakassegmentointi, markkinointikampanjoiden toteutus ja seuranta eri viestintävälineiden avulla, organisaation sisäinen tiedonvälitys, myyntityön suunnittelu ja ajanhallinta sekä myynnin raportointi. Tiedonhallinnan eCRM-ratkaisu voidaan joko integroida yrityksen operatiiviseen järjestelmään tai sitä voidaan käyttää myös itsenäisenä komponenttina. Ratkaisut perustuvat Lotus Notes -tekniikkaan, mutta voidaan tarvittaessa toteuttaa myös muita välineitä käyttämällä. Järjestelmä on käytettävissä internet-selaimen avulla. eSales-järjestelmän tarjoamia perustoimintoja ovat: tuotteiden tilaaminen ja tilausten seuranta internetin kautta, varastotilanteen seuranta, tuote- ja tuoteryhmäkohtaiset hakutoiminnot, tietojen rajaus käyttäjäkohtaisesti, kohdistetut markkinointikampanjat, hinnat yms., mahdollisuus käyttää järjestelmää jälleenmyyjän "tilauskirjana" (koko tilauksen kuittaus vasta päivän lopussa), valmiit liitynnät CRM-asiakassuhdemarkkinointijärjestelmään, valmiudet myös mobiiliin tiedonsiirtoon (esim. WAP). |
Lotus Notes based | |||
TouchPoint | SAIC's Broadway & Seymour Group | TouchPoint is an enterprise-wide customer relationship management solution that provides consolidated customer and account information. Its browser-based architecture allows financial services institutions to perform sales and service transactions from any point of contact - in the call center, branch, and over the Internet. | an open-systems approach |
TPS Oceans 2000 | TPS Labs GmbH, Germany | TPS Oceans 2000 is ideal for medium and large organisations. With the four key CRM components, Sales Force, Marketing Plus, Executive View and C3 Call Center, TPS Oceans 2000 can be readily customised to support company specific processes. | Win 95/98/2000/NT | Oracle, MS SQL Server and Sybase SQL Anywhere | |||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
TRUE Suite | Marketswitch Corporation | The TRUE Suite, a
mathematically-based marketing optimisation product
W3Surveyor |
F | AtBusiness Communications
http://www.atbusiness.com |
on web- ja tietovarastopohjainen ratkaisu
asiakkuuden hallintaan. W3CRM:n toiminnot kattavat keskeiset
asiakkuuden hallinnan osa-alueet käsittäen markkinoinnin, myyntidiilien
hallinnan, tarjousten/tilausten hallinnan, sopimusseurannan,
asiakastietojen hallinnan ja asiakaspalvelun (web-palvelut ja Call
Center). Avoin tietokanta-arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa
raportointimahdollisuuksien laajentamisen käyttämällä yleisiä
raportointityökaluja kuten Gognos Powerplay, SAS jne. Liitynnät
kämmentietokoneisiin ja yleisimpiin työryhmäohjelmistoihin
(ryhmäkalenteri, sähköpostit, tehtävälistat).
W3Surveyor on selainpohjainen tietokantaa hyväksikäyttävä kyselyohjelmisto. Ohjelma mahdollistaa asiakaskohtaisten Internet-kyselyiden laadinnan yrityksen sisäisille ja ulkoisille kohderyhmille (esim. asiakastyytyväisyyskyselyt, tuotetyytyväisyyskyselyt, henkilöstö- ja jäsenkyselyt, kurssiarvioinnit, www-kotisivupalautteet). |
Win NT, Linux, HP-UX | SQL2 standardin mukainen | ||
Weka | University of Waikato, Hamilton,
New Zealand
http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml/weka/index.html |
Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for solving
real-world data mining problems. It is written in Java and runs on
almost any platform. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from own Java code. Weka is also well-suited for developing new machine learning schemes. |
GNU public license | Unix | ASCII text files | statistical methods, decision trees, rule induction, case based reasoning | |
Vignette eSeries
Vignette V/5 Relationship Marketing Server |
Vignette Corporation
http://www.vignette.com |
The Vignette V/5 Relationship Marketing Server is a closed-loop e-marketing solution. It enables to gain critical insights by measuring and analysing customer interactions across multiple business touch points and to segment customers into relevant groups and automatically deliver highly targeted content to those groups in the form of campaigns. | Sun Servers running Solaris, Win NT | MS SQL Server, Oracle8 Server, Microsoft IIS | |||
WinCard | Team Brendel Ltd. Schweiz | WinCard offers Computer Aided Selling (CAS)/Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Marketing, Address Management, Event Management. | |||||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Vineyard 99 | F | Vineyard International Ltd.,
http://www.vineyard.fi/ |
Vineyard 99 family includes
Vineyard Open Server: Oracle based relational database, Vineyard Vintage:
main user interface, Vineyard Web Gateway: Web-interface, Vineyard GSM
server: SMS product that sends calendar events to end users cellular
phone, Vineyard Market: for complex marketing needs, Vineyard Reports:
report generator, and Vineyard Manager: database management
Vineyard Market gives Vineyard users the following means of analysing the data and using the results of the analysis:
a 32-bit client/server architecture | Oracle | ||
Visual Data
Visual Gene Visual Nose |
F | Visipoint Oy, Kuopio
http://www.visipoint.fi/ |
Visual data is a neural network based, state-of-the-art software to unleash
hidden potential of the data.
Visual Gene is a neural network based, new generation´s analysis software which gives every scientist a possibility to analyse chip array gene expression data on own desktop. Visual Nose for MGD-1 gas detector by Environics Ltd, is an example of Visipoint´s neural network software for different kinds of measuring instruments to visualise their multidimensional signals. Methods behind the products: Computational Intelligence, SOM (Kohonen, 1995), Sammon's Mapping,, Fuzzy Logic. |
Win 95/98/NT | text or spreadsheet format | The classification (reduction) of the data is done using the Self-Organising Map algorithm (SOM). The classified data can be analysed further with other computational methods like Sammon's mapping and fuzzy membership evaluation. The analysis is done using the results of the reduction process, which makes bulky data sets convenient to handle in an interactive environment. | |
Vivaldi | Industri-Matematik Abalon AB, Sweden | IMI's VIVALDI software enables large manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers to fulfill and service their customers' orders faster and more efficiently by combining and integrating best-of-class capabilities in Advanced Order Management, Supply Chain Execution, and Customer Relationship Management. | Unix, IBM MVS, Win NT | industry standard databases including Oracle, DB2 Universal Database | |||
Worldtrak | Worldtrak Corporation
http://www.worldtrak.com/ |
Features and Functionality: Account Opportunity Management, Enterprise Forecasting, Activity Tracking, Enterprise Reports, Enterprise Lead Management, Enterprise Data Synchronisation & Remote Access, Works with CE or Palm Device. | |||||
Name | F | Company/author | Description | Price/Licence | Operating System | Database Connectivity | Data Mining Characteristics |
Xchange eCRM Solutions | Exchange Applications | Xchange Dialogue
measures customer value, develops communications
strategies, manages cross-channel interactions as well as captures and
analyzes communications effectiveness.
Xchange Real Time provides a conduit for rapid two-way dialogue between companies and customers, and serves as a bridge for cross-channel, enterprise integration. Xchange EnAct enables managers in a branch office or retail location to use locally gathered data to tailor offers for their local markets in order to make each customer relationship more profitable. |
Win NT, Solaris | Oracle, link to other databases through adapters | predictive models, customer profiling | ||
YOUrelate | YOUcentric, Inc.
www.youcentric.com |
Web-centric YOUrelate eCRM functionality includes: Contact Management, Account Management, Company Information, Competitor and Industry Information, Activity and Calendar Management with Outlook, Windows CE, Lotus Notes, and Palm Pilot integration, Product Catalog, Partner/Reseller Management, Sales Order History, Customer Support Issue Tracking, Forecast and Opportunity tracking, Lead Management, Campaign Management, Literature Fulfillment, Expense Reporting, Office Integration - Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point, Crystal Reports Integration. All of the components can be modified, enhance, reorganised or new components may be added to deliver a custom fit, adapt-to-order solution. | Java-based technology is platform independent. | YOUcentric can map to any database including Sybase, Oracle, Informix, MS SQL Server and IBM DB2 as well as access non-traditional data sources via XML. |
Taulukko 3. Konsultointipalveluja.
Company/author | F | Description |
Andersen Consulting
http://www.andersenconsulting.fi/ Uusi nimi 1.1.2001 alkaen on Accenture. |
F | Liikkeenjohdon ja tietotekniikan
Helsinki Internet Center of Excellence on sähköisen talouden osaamiskeskus ja ohjelmistokehitysyksikkö:
Aspectum Finland Oy,
http://www.aspectum.fi/ |
F | Asiakkuuksien kehittäminen on Aspectumin keskeinen osaamisalue. Niiden kehittäminen tapahtuu tutkimusten, valmennuksen ja konsultoinnin keinoin. Asiakkuuslähtöinen kehittämistyö perustuu jatkuvaan uuden tiedon keräämiseen. Aspectumissa uutta tietoa yritystoiminnasta ja asiakkuuksista tuotetaan mm. oman tohtoriohjelman Aspectum Doctoral Programme (ADP) sekä CRM Excellence -tutkimushankkeen kautta. Tutkimuksen johtaja on tohtori Jarmo R Lehtinen. |
Boston Consulting Group
http://www.bcg.com |
E.g. e-commerce: Capabilities range from setting the strategic direction to building businesses. Motoride.com (http://www.motoride.com/) is an example of how BCG helped build and launch an e-commerce business. | |
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
Finland Oy
http://www.fi.cgey.co-m |
F | CGE&Y:lla on yli 3 500
asiakkuuden hallintaan erikoistunutta konsulttia eri puolilla maailmaa, ja
se on toteuttanut yli 500 asiakkuudenhallinnan projektia.
Asiakkuudenhallinnan palveluita: Customer Relationship Strategy: Palveluun kuuluvat eCRM-strategia ja sen linjaus, asiakassegmentointi, asiakaskokemusten kartoitus, asiakkuuksien tunnuslukujen määrittäminen sekä asiakkaan asiakaskannan analysointi. Customer Access Management: Palveluun kuuluvat myynnin ja myynnintukijärjestelmien kehittäminen ja tehostaminen, Tilausprosessin automatisointi (Real Time Order Management, RTOM) sekä sähköinen CRM Touch Point Service Integration. Customer Service Management: Palveluun kuuluvat asiakaspalvelun suunnittelu ja tehostaminen, puhelu- ja yhteyskeskuksen suunnittelu, toteutus ja käyttöönotto, asiakkaiden itsepalvelu Webissä sekä integroitu yhteyskeskuksen hallinta. Customer Knowledge Management: Palveluun kuuluvat älykäs markkinoinnin automatisointi ja tiedon haku, varastointi ja analysointi (data mining, data warehousing) sekä customer value management -palvelu. Customer Process Management: Palveluihin kuuluvat toimintojen automatisointi (workflow), yrityssovellusten integrointi ja sähköisen tiedonsiirron integrointi. |
CRM Customer Relationship
Management Ltd.
Helsinki http://www.crm.fi/ |
F | Customer relationship strategies and relationship experience design. |
Datactica Ltd, Tampere
http://www.datactica.fi/ |
F | Bulks of raw data provided by the customer are cleaned and analysed by means of Datactica 's own data mining engines. Automatic discovery of decision rules, frequent episodes, and association rules from databases. |
Deloitte Consulting
http://www.dc.com |
E-Business consulting. | |
Gapnet Oy, Espoo
http://www.gapnet.fi/ |
F | Gapnet Oy tarjoaa liikkeenjohdon ja liiketoiminnan konsultointia, kehitystä ja tutkimusta. Gapnet Oy toimii mm. sähköisen liiketoiminnan ja asiakkuuden hallinnan alueilla. |
GMD Oy, Jyväskylä
http://creative.solutions.fi/gdm/ |
F | CRM hankkeissa työkaluina GoldMine -tai Merlin CRM -järjestelmä. |
HM&V Research Oy
http://www.hmv.fi/ |
F | MBusiness/eBusiness consulting. |
ICMI -Intelligent Customer
Management International Oy, Helsinki
http://www.icmi.fi/ |
F | A consulting company specialised in developing enterprise relationship management. |
KPMG Consulting Oy Ab
http://www.kpmg.fi/ |
F | Customer Value Management aims at integrating its customer's processes and functions. With the resulting strategic services, customers can optimise and integrate processes vital to their customer relationships. KPMG is a partner of SAP. |
MarknadsAnalys Finland Oy
MarknadsAnalys Finland Oy |
F | Asiakasanalyysit sekä asiakassuhteen hallinta. Analyyseissä tärkeimmät työvälineet ovat Mosaic -kotitalousluokitus sekä Mosaic Micromarketer ja Data Miner -ohjelmistot. |
MI MerkkitietoOy, Helsinki | F | Merkkitieto Oy tuottaa räätälöityjä työvälineitä asiakassuhteiden kehittämiseen sekä uusien asiakkaiden hankkimiseen. |
Company/author | F | Description |
NNets Oy, Espoo
http://www.nnets.fi/ |
F | On-line and off-line solutions
InfoBuild Oy, Helsinki
http://www.infobuild.fi/ |
F | InfoBuild rakentaa asiakaskohtaisia e-business-järjestelmiä perustuen Information Buildersin (http://www.ibi.com/) teknologiaan. |
PHS Interactive Oy,
http://www.phsinteractive.fi |
F | E-business, CRM consulting |
RDB-Systems Oy, Helsinki
http://www.rdbsystems.fi/ |
F | Yritys on erikoistunut asiakashallintajärjestelmiin, Data Mart- ja OLAP- raportointijärjestelmiin sekä SQL-tietokantojen hallintaohjelmistoihin. Päämiehiä ovat yhdysvaltalaiset Applix Inc., Dimensional Insight Inc. ja Sqribe Technologies Inc. |
SysOpen Oyj, Helsinki
http://www.sysopen.fi/ |
F | Yritys tarjoaa kokonaisvaltaista kumppanuutta, tukea ja palveluita CRM-ratkaisujen toteutukseen. Kokemusta sekä räätälöidyistä että tuotepohjaisista ohjelmistoratkaisuista. |
VTT Information Technology
F | VTT Information Technology
performs both research and customer-specific tasks in data mining area.
Current research efforts concentrate on integrating data mining methods to
business processes and on developing methods for handling temporal and
incomplete data. To improve possibility of successful customer data mining
project, VTT Information Technology offers a systematic process and an
extensive knowledge about large amount of data mining techniques. The
approach is to analyse customer problems thoroughly and to select a
suitable method specifically for each problem. Furthermore, organisation
of raw data and preprocessing data is an important part of each project to
guarantee reliability of the results. Finally, applying data mining
results to solve real problems of the end-user is often neglected. To
obtain maximum usability of the results, also this part of the process
must be carried out.
VTT Information Technology has a strong participation in various application areas when applying data mining techniques. Some examples of the application areas:
Tuula Käpylä
VTT Tietotekniikka
PL 1201, FIN-02044 VTT
Tekniikantie 4 B, Espoo
Puh. (09) 456 6054, fax (09)
456 6027
Sähköposti: datamining@vtt.fi
Web: http://www.vtt.fi/datamining